Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days Eating This Breakfast

You can with Zero Belly Breakfasts, now available at Sam's Club, Amazon and bookstores everywhere. They'll have you looking and feeling great in no time flat, thanks to hundreds of delicious and nutritious breakfast secrets—and more than 100 mouthwatering recipes you can prepare in minutes!
I know because I've seen it happen.
In 2015, I shared Zero Belly Diet with a test panel of more than 500 people, some of whom lost as much as 16 pounds in just 14 days, and up to 3 inches off their waist. June Caron, 57, lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks and 4 dress sizes in 1 year. "Hail to the Chef," she said of the recipes. "My confidence is up, my happiness is up!" Fred Sparks, 39, lost 21 pounds and 5 inches off his waist in 6 weeks. "I met a group of co-workers who haven't seen me in a month," he shared, "and they were all astonished." Click through to see why it works.
The Secret to the Plan
The secret to the plan is the new science of nutritional genetics, the study of how our genes are turned on and off by the foods we eat. Simply making a handful of tweaks to your diet and lifestyle can help improve your gut health, dampen inflammation, turn off your fat genes, and start your body shedding fat—in particular, belly fat—almost automatically. You see, some foods turn our fat genes "on"—causing seemingly irreversible weight gain. That's why some of us stay thin and why some of us can't lose weight no matter how hard we try. With Zero Belly Breakfasts, you'll eat power foods that act directly on those switches, turning them to "off" and allowing for easy, rapid, and sustainable weight loss. These foods also help heal your digestive system, keeping those gene switches turned off and setting you up for a lifetime of leanness. And every single Zero Belly Breakfasts recipe is made with these fat-blasting foods.
Why Zero Belly Breakfasts Work

The old adage that breakfast the "most important meal of the day" has been proven time and again, most recently by the American Heart Association, which just changed their guidelines to indicate that eating earlier in the day can lead to a healthier heart, staving off cardiac arrests and strokes.
"When we eat may be important to consider, in addition to what we eat," said Marie-Pierre St-Onge of Columbia University Medical Center in New York, who led the team that wrote the guidelines. The research team found that the body processes sugars better during the day than at night And yet more than 30 percent of us skip breakfast. And that's partially why Americans are sick and fat. More than one-third of us are obese. An estimated 86 million of us have prediabetes. Health care costs are at an all-time high—and 85 percent of us have seen a doctor in the last year (at an average cost of $740 a pop).
I wrote the Zero Belly series because I know many of you are sick and tired of your health care system, in addition to being sick and tired. Zero Belly Breakfasts aren't just delicious ways to start every morning, but a prescription for a leaner, fitter, healthier you. Each of the book's 100-plus recipes features fat-burning proteins, belly-filling fibers, and healthy fats that will boost your metabolism and lead to all-day (and night!) weightloss. As a result, you'll lose up to 16 pounds in 14 days and melt away stubborn fat, from your belly first.
It Worked for the Test Panelists!
Other diets can help you lose weight, but only Zero Belly Breakfasts attacks fat on a genetic level, placing a bull's-eye on the fat cells that matter most: visceral fat, the type of fat ensconced in your belly. These fat cells act like an invading army, increasing inflammation and putting you at risk for diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, heart disease, and cancer. Visceral fat can also alter your hormone levels, erode muscle tissue, increase your chances of depression, and destroy your sex drive. But you can turn the odds in your favor. The Zero Belly series shows you how to deactivate your fat genes, rev up your metabolism, banish bloat, and balance your digestive health, allowing you to easily build lean,strong stomach muscle and strip away unwanted belly fat without sacrificing calories or spending hours at the gym. The result: weight loss that is easier, faster, more lasting, and more delicious than you'd ever imagine.I was stunned and inspired by the results of that amaz-ing 500-person test panel. It was made up of men and women who agreed to send us weekly reports of their experience. They told us that they lost weight quickly and with ease following the Zero Belly Diet. Here are just some of their results from the first 14 days
Bob McMicken, Age 51, Lost 16.3 Pounds
Kyle Cambridge, Age 28, Lost 15 Pounds
Martha Chesler, Age 54, Lost 11 Pounds
Matt Brunner, Age 43, Lost 14 Pounds
And It'll Work for You!
By eating Zero Belly Breakfasts, and following Zero Belly Diet, you will lose the weight you want—each one is not just low in calories but nearly void of added sugars, on the cutting edge of the latest governmental guidelines.In fact, for the first time ever, the USDA has issued guidelines recommending that Americans keep their consumption of added sugars low—to no more than 10 percent of overall calories, or about 180 calories a day for women and 200 for men.That means 45 grams of sugar a day, tops, or about eleven teaspoons. And organizations from the American Heart Association to the World Health Organization recommend cutting that number further; they say no more than25 grams of added sugar a day—about six sugar packets—is best for optimal health.Chances are, you're eating four, five, or even six times that. Every one of the Zero Belly Breakfasts is calibrated to keep you well below that amount. If you needed a wake-up call, consider yourself "woke." Regardless of your health history, your lifestyle, or even your genes, Zero Belly Breakfasts will give you the power to flatten your belly, heal your body, soothe your soul, and wake up happier than ever.