21 Best Whole30-Approved Snacks You Can Make at Home

There's nothing like wandering into the kitchen in between meals and munching on a snack. Instantly satisfying, snacks tide us over. But if you've recently transitioned your diet to Whole30, the pantry may seem more like an obstacle course. Do not despair and immediately throw caution to the potato chips. Finding Whole30 snacks isn't impossible—in fact, it's actually quite easy.
"The whole point of the Whole30 [diet] is to focus on whole foods instead of heavily processed ones," Samantha Cassetty, RD, director of nutrition at The Healthy Mommy, tells EatThis.com. The Whole30 diet excludes foods that can potentially cause inflammation, including grains, alcohol, legumes, dairy, and sugar for 30 days. But the point isn't about deprivation—it's about jump-starting a diet absent of processed foods. You can still indulge in plenty of filling, satisfying snacks; they just have to be Whole30 compliant.
As for what you can eat? "Fiber-rich fruits and veggies are rich in water, and these foods take up space in your stomach, which begins to fill you up. Foods rich in protein help you feel fuller, longer, and fat-filled foods take longer to digest, which also extends the time that you feel full," Cassetty says. "Healthful fats also send signals to your appetite-regulating hormones so your body gets the message that you're satisfied." The pantry is your oyster. (And oysters are Whole30 approved.)
Here are some Whole30 snacks to satisfy your hunger (and taste buds).

When snacking cravings strike, turn to the ever nutrient-rich walnut. "A one-ounce serving of walnuts is an excellent source of the plant-based omega-3 fatty acid, as well as 4 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber, and these three nutrients together help keep you full," Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD and a nutrition partner with California Walnuts, explains to EatThis.com.
Not every nut is Whole30 compliant, though. While walnuts and most nuts are safe to snack on, peanuts are not compliant with the Whole30 diet, as they're considered a legume.
Frozen Grapes

A quick and easy-to-make snack that will replace any cravings for popsicles is frozen grapes. The freezer-rested fruit will stand in for the typically sugar-riddled treat and, better yet, can be enjoyed any time of the day.
It should be noted, though, that while fruits are allowed in the Whole30 diet they should be indulged in moderation. Fruit contains natural sugar, which the Whole30 diet asks to limit.
GimMe Organic Roasted Seaweed Snacks with Avocado and Smoked Salmon

"Combining fiber and protein-rich foods are what I call 'snacks with staying power,'" Mia Syn, MS, RDN tells EatThis.com. Salmon is not only delicious and filling, it's also Whole30 approved. Pairing it with avocado and seaweed snacks is a sure way to stay full between meals. Plus, roasted seaweed snacks are just as poppable as potato chips.
Charred Shishito Peppers

Switch up your fresh pepper snacking with charred shishito peppers. The wrinkly, green peppers become a texturally exciting and flavor-packed snack when they're heated in a pan on the stovetop.
Shishito peppers are also Whole30 approved, and they "contain plenty of fiber and Vitamin C," Rizzo says. Add a handful of peppers to a pan over medium-high heat and cook until the peppers are blistered and browned. Remove from heat and add a squeeze of lemon juice and a splash of salt. Voila! A pre-dinner snack to defeat the munchies.
Celery and No-Sugar-Added Almond Butter

Syn recommends celery and almond butter as part of the "snacks with staying power" grouping. The celery adds fiber, while the almond butter adds healthy fat. Basically, this is the snack combination of our Whole30 dreams.
Zucchini Chips and Salsa

You can still relish in the motion of chips swooping through dip when on the Whole30 diet. All you need is to transform a vegetable into a chip. And it's so, so easy to make—just pre-heat your oven!
"To make zucchini chips, slice zucchini thinly—no need to peel, and coat with olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Lay on a baking sheet and bake at 350°F until zucchini chips are golden brown," Diana Gariglio-Clelland, RD of Balance One Supplements shares with EatThis.com.
For a balanced snack, dip zucchini chips into smashed avocado or salsa. Because salsa is mostly comprised of vegetables, it's considered Whole30 compliant.
Kale Chips

Similar to zucchini chips, kale chips can easily be made in the oven, and they live up to Whole30 standards. Sprinkle olive oil and salt over torn up pieces of kale, with the ribs removed, and bake them on a sheet pan at 275°F until crispy. The chips turn out delightfully light yet crisp and salty. They may not be the most ideal to dip into salsa, but they're still quite the tasty snack.

Blueberries may be small, but they pack a powerful punch of nutrients. These juicy little fruits are, thankfully, Whole30 friendly.
"One serving (a handful or a cup) of blueberries contains only 80 calories and contributes essential nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, manganese, dietary fiber and phytonutrients called polyphenols, to the diet," Rizzo, a partner of the US Highbush Blueberry Council, tells EatThis.com. Fill a bowl of fresh blueberries and feel free to snack as you wish. To build upon your blueberries, Rizzo suggests adding a sprinkling of hemp seeds or pairing with nuts.
Wholly Guacamole Minis

Just because you can't eat chips doesn't mean that guacamole is off-limits. Rizzo recommends the Wholly Guacamole Minis. These single-serving cups provide a delicious dip for baby carrots.
"Avocados contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals and other beneficial plant compounds to the diet," Rizzo tells EatThis.com. There's no Whole30 foul in enjoying a serving between meals.
Snack-Size Smoothie

"You could blend a snack-size smoothie with plant-based milk enriched with calcium along with some berries, kale, and chia seeds," Cassetty tells EatThis.com. Try making a large smoothie batch and freezing it in an ice cube tray. It's like meal planning, but for snacks.
Sun & Swell Cinnamon Simple Snack Bites

Sometimes, Whole30 or not, you won't feel like opening a jar of almond butter and smearing it on anything. All you'll have the energy for is opening a packet of something and focusing on refueling. For those times, Sun & Swell specializes in whole food snacks. Composed of only cashews, dates, and cinnamon, the snack balls are cleared for Whole30 snacking.
Bananas Dipped in Almond Butter

To replace the desire for a banana split, there's a banana dressed in almond butter. Both almonds and bananas are both within the Whole30 limits and conveniently pair well. Also convenient? All this snack takes to prepare is peeling the banana and smearing on the almond butter. Just make sure the almond butter you use has no added sugar!
Hard-Boiled Eggs and Nuts

Hard-boiled eggs can be made ahead of time, so you can enjoy a fast snack when you don't want to wait and watch water boil. Eggs are Whole30 compliant and supply protein, which we all need a daily dose of.
Pair eggs with mixed nuts — excluding peanuts, and anything with added sugar — for a snack that's full of healthy fats and protein.
Tuna Salad with Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayonnaise

Because seafood is Whole30 approved, your midday snack can feel more like a mini-meal. A can of tuna can transform into tuna salad thanks to Primal Kitchen Avocado Oil Mayonnaise. This specialty condiment is a deeply appreciated accouterment to any snack, upping the level of flavor and adding a creamy texture. Spoon this Whole30 compliant mayonnaise over tuna, mix in scallions and cucumbers for a filling salad between meals.
Avocado and Wild Salmon on Seaweed Snacks

Make your own imitation sushi rolls by putting avocado slices and canned wild salmon on seaweed snacks. The trifecta of ingredients gives us the healthy fats and fiber we need to feel full longer so the pantry doesn't tempt us again before dinner.
"Healthful fats also send signals to your appetite-regulating hormones so your body gets the message that you're satisfied," Cassetty explains to EatThis.com. But, even if the munchies return, an apple might help kick a craving you have for something that's not Whole30 related.
Turkey and Lettuce Wraps

The Whole30 program rules state that you can "eat meat." As long as the ingredients are simple and don't include a barrage of unpronounceable additives, you can enjoy Whole30 approved cold cuts like turkey. Place a slice of turkey in a lettuce leaf and smear on some avocado oil mayonnaise for a dairy-free, grain-free snack-time wrap. It really is as easy as putting two and two together.
Apple Slices with Lemon and Cinnamon

Both cinnamon and lemon are flavor enhancers, and they both just so happen to be Whole30 compliant. A bowl of apple slices can quickly become basically-apple-pie with a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkling of cinnamon.
Mixed Nuts and Dried Fruit

Make your own mock trail mix! When you just need to dig your hand into a midday snack in the midst of a busy work week, there are mixed nuts and dried fruit tucked into your Tupperware. Dried fruit is Whole30 compliant, but, as with fresh fruit, in moderation. And, when purchasing dried fruit to mix in with nuts, make sure to avoid versions that have added sugar.
Prosciutto and Melon
Whole30 forums light up under the topic of prosciutto. Is it or isn't it Whole30 compliant? Well, we have good news for deli meat enthusiasts: The just-pork-and-salt variety of prosciutto is Whole30 appropriate meat.
And in case you don't want to extend the length of your next grocery haul reading each package of prosciutto, one company makes the decision easy. Applegate has specific Whole30 compliant meats. This means there are no added sugars in their product. Next time you see Applegate prosciutto, pick it up, wrap it around a slice of cantaloupe and call it a day (or snack).
Dates Stuffed with Walnuts

Dates are a nutritional wonder. They're a fruit and therefore considered Whole30 compliant — in moderation. They're a solid source for fiber and protein, as well as necessary vitamins. Stuff a date—or a dried fig—with walnuts to enjoy a snack full of protein, fiber, and healthy fats to keep you wholly satisfied.
Berries, Hemp Seeds, and Chia Seeds with Coconut Milk

Sometimes the most satiating snack is a bowl of cereal. And there's nothing easier than pouring things into a bowl. Unfortunately, because grains are restricted, cereal will have to sit in the pantry for the 30 days you've committed to the diet. And milk, being dairy, will have to remain off your grocery list. However, you can still elicit the same cereal comfort thanks to Whole30 approved seeds and berries. Top a serving of berries with coconut milk, hemp seeds, and chia seeds and enjoy this easy snack by the spoonful.
Following a Whole30 diet can be tricky, especially if it's your first time following the strict regimen. But you can still enjoy plenty of tasty snacks, like these ones, that don't require too much prep time. And sticking with the Whole30 rules for a month will make reincorporating other foods that much sweeter.