What Happens To Your Body When You Drink a Latte Every Day
Once you've had your coffee, you'll likely feel stimulated, energized and ready to take on the day. Starting your morning off with a cup of Joe is definitely the norm in the United States. The National Coffee Association found that 64% of Americans drink coffee—which puts you in with the majority of this coffee-guzzling nation.
And among the multitude of coffee drinks available at most coffee chains and mom-and-pop cafes, one order reigns supreme: the latte. That's right, most Americans prefer their coffee diluted with plenty of hot, foamy milk.
But just because it's the most popular caffeinated drink option, doesn't mean it's the best for you. In fact, there are some significant negatives that could be caused by your latte habit.
Latte is traditionally made with espresso, steamed milk, and milk foam, and many of the issues stem from the lactose, rather than the caffeine. Read on to see how drinking a latte in the morning could be affecting your body.
For more, check out 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
You could be experiencing digestive issues

If you suffer from stomach pain, bloating, or nausea on a regular basis, it's very likely your morning latte could be the culprit. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 36% of Americans struggle with lactose intolerance, and all that milk in your latte is probably causing some undesired side effects. If you're feeling any of these lactose intolerance symptoms, take it as a sign that you should get your latte order made with a plant-based alternative like oat milk.
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You could be suffering from acne

The milk and sugar in your lattes could lead to pesky bouts of acne. Countless observational and experimental studies have found a connection between cow's milk and acne. Not only can consuming milk lead to pimples, but it can also dictate the severity of your breakouts as well. In addition, studies have also shown that a high sugar intake increases the likelihood of having acne. On the flip side, here are 25 Healthy Foods That Give You Glowing Skin.
You probably feel stressed out

Coffee can be your greatest morning ally, but drink too much of it, and it'll turn into your worst enemy. With the consumption of caffeine, your brain begins to release stress hormones such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, and glucocorticoids. Though they definitely wake you up and get you going, they do so by putting your body in a "stressed state." This release of hormones could directly impact your feelings of anxiety and jitteriness throughout the day.
You're consuming a whole lot of fat

You're probably aware of the high fat content in whole milk, but you may not think twice about it when it's served in your coffee. A small latte has approximately 10.6 grams of fat, while a large is packed with 17.9 grams of fat. For women, a large morning latte amounts to about one third of the recommended daily fat intake. And that's before you've even had any food!
You're likely slowing down weight loss

You've guessed it—all that fat and sugar spell trouble for your weight loss efforts. Depending on where you get yours, you can be looking at a few hundred calories a day coming from your latte. Hello Magazine did the math for some of the most popular coffee spots and found that cutting out your daily tall Starbucks Cafe Latte, assuming you drink 5 per week, would save you 37,180 calories per year. That could equate to a 10-pound weight loss. Is this morning habit really worth it?
And for more, check out these 108 most popular sodas ranked by how toxic they are.