What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Caffeine
The Internet can be full of a lot of misinformation—especially in regards to health, nutrition, and wellness. One of the biggest misconceptions out there is that drinking caffeine is bad for you—but that's actually not true! There are studies that actually show that caffeine can benefit your body in multiple ways. As long as you stay within the proper recommended limits of caffeine in a day, your body will see benefits that you may not have even known about. Here's exactly what happens to your body when you drink caffeine (and what happens if you end up drinking too much of it), and if you're looking for even more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of The 7 Healthiest Foods to Eat Right Now.
It can improve your energy levels.

This one doesn't come as much of a surprise, does it? Caffeine helps to wake you up and keep you feeling energized for hours at a time—which can even be a huge benefit for your body's overall health. According to Queensland Health, caffeine in coffee can improve energy levels along with your memory, mood, and various brain functions.
Related: Here's Exactly How Much Caffeine Is Too Much Caffeine
You'll live longer.

Drink coffee for a long life? Yep, even science says so! The journal Longevity & Healthspan says that caffeine can actually help extend your life, improve your health, and delay age-associated diseases including Alzheimer's. It also helps you stay on track with your healthy diet goals and reduces insulin signaling, which the journal PLOS Biology proved can protect your body against age-associated decline.
It can increase your metabolic rate.

One study published by the journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition was able to show how caffeine intake can help "promote weight, BMI, and body fat reduction." Meaning that coffee—as well as tea and other caffeinated beverages—can help boost your metabolic rate.
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You'll get more liquid intake.

Regardless if your drink of choice is a cup of coffee or a cup of tea, you're still contributing to your total liquid intake of the day.
But doesn't coffee dehydrate you? Researchers have actually been able to prove how caffeinated beverages do not decrease the risk of dehydration. Caffeine is considered a mild diuretic, but the liquid still does contribute to your total water intake, according to the Mayo Clinic.
You won't feel as hungry.

One study published by the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition pointed out how caffeinated coffee can actually influence one's appetite. The study shows how sipping on a cup of coffee between 30 minutes to 4 hours before a meal can help suppress calorie intake.
You may have trouble sleeping.

Depending on the time of day you are sipping on your caffeinated beverages, you may experience issues falling asleep at night. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking coffee in the afternoon can interfere with your sleep. Even a small amount of sleep deprivation can cause issues with your normal sleep cycles, causing you to feel tired during the day while making it harder to fall asleep at night.
Here's The One Major Side Effect Caffeine Has On Your Sleep, Says Science.
You may experience side effects if you drink too much.

While there are plenty of positive reasons to have some caffeine in your diet, too much caffeine can cause some adverse side effects. Along with insomnia, drinking too much caffeine can cause headaches, feelings of anxiousness, stomach aches, as well as digestive issues like stomach aches and nausea.
In order to avoid these adverse side effects, be sure to keep your caffeine intake to the maximum 400-milligram limit a day—which equates to around four 8 oz. cups of coffee. Healthline says drinking more than 1,000 milligrams of caffeine a day can trigger some of these symptoms.
If you're not sure how much caffeine you are consuming a day, here's One Trick That Will Help You Cut Down On Caffeine For Good.