Walmart Employees Reveal the Grossest Things Shoppers Leave Behind
Scouring the aisles of Walmart, it's likely you will find some fantastic deals on everything from clothing to deli meat. However, according to employees and former employees of the superstore, you might also find some rotting deli meat stuffed inside of clothing. In a hilarious (but also slightly nausea-inducing) Reddit feed, insiders reveal some of the most disgusting things shoppers have left behind in the store in places you would never imagine.
Half Eaten Cookies Everywhere
Several employees complained about finding partially eaten cookies all over the store. "If you're gonna eat the food, at least buy it," writes the original poster. "I work apparel, twice in this week I have found open containers of cookies where someone takes a bite out of one or two, puts it back in, and then hide it somewhere in my department. For the love of god either buy it or just don't do it. If I don't catch this stuff, it's gonna rot and stink up somewhere, cause the people doing it are HIDING them behind underwear and other things!!! I shouldn't have to check behind each fixture to make sure FOOD isn't behind them!!!"
Frozen, Rotted Pizza in the Underwear Aisle
One employee maintains that people stash perishable items – like freezer goods – in random places. "The worst was when someone hid a frozen pizza behind the … underwears and it rotted. Had the department wondering why it smelled so bad over there for weeks until someone finally had the idea to check behind the wall of underwear," they sounded off.
Eggs in Suitcases
Another employee rehashes a story about someone packing up some unpurchased groceries — in a suitcase. "We had a customer come out to us while we were working and tell us they had a question about the suitcases, and so we followed him around the corner and down the aisle, where he unzipped the suitcase and pointed to an 18 pack of eggs that was inside it. He asked us why we didn't have people checking inside every suitcase to make sure there were things like this in there because it's a waste of food and people might be accused of trying to steal them. We obviously took the eggs and thanked him for showing us but like we can't hire someone to go around unzipping every suitcase and every purse and every backpack all day every day just to make sure nobody put something inside and walked away. This was a couple years ago, but it was so random. I'm just glad they weren't smelling yet," they wrote.
Chicken Bones — All Over the Store
Walmart sells rotisserie and fried chicken, and apparently, people like to eat it and ditch the bones. "I've found chicken bones numerous times in random places. Its disgusting! At least throw it away," comments another employee.
Warm Sausage Rolls and Ice Cream Hidden in Table
Customers regularly shove food in tables. "i also work in apparel and found a warm roll of sausage shoved into the middle of a table recently. one of my coworkers told me of a time she found ice cream hidden in a table that had melted and ruined most of the clothes on that shelf of the table. customers are entitled jerks who don't care about any of the consequences of their actions bc they get to walk away unscathed. it's ridiculous and i think we should be allowed to find who did it and make them pay for it," one says.
Porkchops in Apparel
Oftentimes, discarded food isn't located until it starts rotting. "Something really smells funny in one area of my dept. Funky have to locate. Porkchops in our apparel section were found. Do not understand," one employee wrote.
Steak in Rugs
The rug aisle is also a popular place to stash raw meat that customers opt against purchasing. "Steaks in the rugs. Ruined about 5 rugs and the meat," chimes another.
Rancid Fruit in Men's Underwear
"I remember working apparel, and my nose sensitivity picked up on what smelled like wine to me. I go looking for it, and lo & behold I found an open container of leftover fruit behind the mens underwear.. but what really bothered me was when I parted the stack of underwear, a bunch of gnats had flown out 🤢. I really don't know how long that had been sitting there," confessed one employee.
Moldy Chicken in Bath Towels
"Someone went to the deli and got chicken once ate it then shoved it in the bath towel shelves behind the towels by time it was discover it was all moldy and gross," said another.