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You'll Never Believe How Many Calories Are in These 8 Restaurant Meals

These popular restaurant meals are packed with calories, fat, and sodium.

There's never anything wrong with wanting to take yourself out for lunch or dinner at your favorite restaurant. The weeks get busy, and sometimes you just need to sit and enjoy someone else's cooking. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to eat out when you're trying to eat healthy because many restaurant meals are higher in calories, fat, and sodium, which can derail some of your health goals.

We wanted to help you know which meals to steer clear of when you're trying to choose healthier meals at your go-to chains. Below, you'll find eight meals from popular chains like Cheesecake Factory, Olive Garden, Outback Steakhouse, and more, that are shockingly high in calories, fat, saturated fat, and sodium, ranked from #8 to the #1 worst.

Outback Steakhouse Prime Rib Sandwich

Outback Steakhouse The Prime Rib Sandwich
Outback Steakhouse
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,240
Fat: 91 g (Saturated Fat: 41 g, Trans Fat: 1 g)
Sodium: 2,750 mg
Carbs: 52 g (Fiber: 5 g, Sugar: 9 g)
Protein: 40 g

There are plenty of steaks to choose from when you go to Outback Steakhouse, but if you choose to have your steak on a sandwich, you'll be getting more calories than you may realize. Their Prime Rib Sandwich has 1,240 calories, 41 grams of saturated fat, and 1 gram of trans fat, and its sodium levels of 2,750 milligrams are well beyond your recommended daily limit. You're much better off choosing to have your steak in the form of something like their 6-ounce filet mignon, which has only 480 calories.

Cheesecake Factory Louisiana Chicken Pasta

Cheesecake Factory
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,380
Fat: 80 g (Saturated Fat: 43 g, Trans Fat: 2.5 g)
Sodium: 2,790 mg
Carbs: 113 g (Fiber: 7 g, Sugar: 11 g)
Protein: 53 g

The Louisiana Chicken Pasta from The Cheesecake Factory isn't one of the highest-caloric meals on our list, but it still has almost 1,400—a number that is far too high for one meal. Beyond the calorie count, what makes this meal an unhealthy choice is its 43 grams of saturated fat, which is almost four times the daily recommended limit per the American Heart Association. Plus, the 2,790 milligrams of sodium is well over the daily limit of 2,300 set by the FDA.

Chili's Quesadilla Explosion Salad with Crispers

Chili's Quesadilla Explosion Crispers Salad
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,420
Fat: 99 g (Saturated Fat: 28 g)
Sodium: 2,840 mg
Carbs: 86 g (Fiber: 7 g, Sugar: 16 g)
Protein: 51 g

Don't be fooled by the fact that this menu item is a salad. The Quesadilla Explosion Salad with Crispers is one of the most calorically dense meals at Chili's, and is also packed to the brim with sodium and saturated fat. The good news about choosing Chili's is that they offer a separate section of their menu for healthier options, titled the "Guiltless Grill."

Olive Garden Tour of Italy

Olive Garden tour of italy
Olive Garden
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,550
Fat: g (Saturated Fat: 50 g, Trans Fat: 1.5 g)
Sodium: 3,220 mg
Carbs: 99 g (Fiber: 7 g, Sugar: 12 g)
Protein: 72 g

You can take a Tour of Italy at Olive Garden, but it will cost you 3,220 milligrams of sodium and 1,550 calories. Not to mention the 50 grams of saturated fat, which is a type of fat that can increase your risk of heart disease when consumed in excess.

Red Lobster Admiral's Feast

Admiral's Feast
Red Lobster
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,640
Fat: 96 g (Saturated Fat: 10 g)
Sodium: 4,750 mg
Carbs: 134 g (Fiber: 7 g, Sugar: 18 g)
Protein: 58 g

Any restaurant menu item with "feast" in the name is most likely going to be packed full of calories, and the Admiral's Feast from Red Lobster is no exception. With over 1,600 calories and a terrifying 4,750 milligrams of sodium, this meal is one of the unhealthiest orders from the beloved seafood chain.

Chili's Bacon Rancher

Chili's burger and fries on wooden slab
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 1,690
Fat: 123 g (Saturated Fat: 49 g, Trans Fat: 6 g)
Sodium: 2,720 mg
Carbs: 48 g (Fiber: 3 g, Sugar: 13 g)

The Bacon Rancher from Chili's is an enormous burger with two beef patties, two slices of cheese, and multiple slices of bacon. Ordering this menu item will deliver 1,690 calories, 2,720 milligrams of sodium, 49 grams of saturated fat, and 6 grams of trans fat, making it the meal on our list with the highest amount of trans fat. According to the World Health Organization, consuming trans fats on a regular basis can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Cheesecake Factory Breakfast Burrito

The Cheesecake Factory breakfast burrito
The Cheesecake Factory
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 2,080
Fat: 139 g (Saturated Fat: 69 g, Trans Fat: 3.5 g)
Sodium: 4,580 mg
Carbs: 121 g (Fiber: 20 g, Sugar: 19 g)
Protein: 88 g

We don't recommend starting your morning off with this Cheesecake Factory Breakfast Burrito, which totals over 2,000 calories. You'd also be doubling your daily recommended limit for sodium in just one meal, and the FDA warns that consistently consuming too much sodium can increase your risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease.

Carrabbas Filet & Shrimp Toscana

Carrabba's Filet and Shrimp Pasta Toscana
Carrabba's Italian Grill
Nutrition (Per order):
Calories: 2,220
Fat: 147 g (Saturated Fat: 83 g, Trans Fat: 4.5 g)
Sodium: 4,670 mg
Carbs: 142 g (Fiber: 9 g, Sugar: 10 g)
Protein: 75 g

The last menu item on our list is the winner for the highest amount of calories in a restaurant meal. The Filet & Shrimp Toscana Pasta from Carrabbas has a whopping 2,220 calories, 83 grams of saturated fat, 4.5 grams of trans fat, and 4,670 milligrams of sodium! You're honestly better off skipping this one altogether.

Samantha Boesch
Samantha was born and raised in Orlando, Florida and now works as a writer in Brooklyn, NY. Read more about Samantha