21 Fitness and Diet Experts Reveal Their 2017 Resolutions

From personal trainers to fitness experts to healthy eating pros, we look to them for inspiration and that extra boost we need to set our goals, reset our diets, and get on a fitness regime. So it got us wondering about their resolutions. How do these shredded and healthy living gurus top themselves year after year? Read on to find out—and feel free to "borrow" one of their resolutions for yourself. Then check out these 17 Tips to Keep Your Resolutions—From Celebrity Trainers and Nutritionists! for more expert insights!
Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN
"I am a very healthy eater. I mean, it is my way of life and career after all! But I want to up my green game and get two cups of dark leafy greens like broccoli rabe, collard greens, swiss chard, kale, or romaine per day. Every day!"
Photo via @nutritiouslifeofficial on Instagram
Kim Lyons, Trainer on "The Biggest Loser"
"Staying hydrated is one way I'll look to improve my overall health and well-being. If your hydration levels drop by only two percent, you may experience fuzzy thoughts, lack of concentration, and fatigue—making it difficult to stay active and motivated to eat healthy."
Photo via @trainerkimlyons on Instagram
Mark Langowski, Author of "Eat This, Not That! for Abs" and CEO of Body by Mark Wellness
"I don't get in as many workouts as I would like each week, due to my hectic schedule. Although I have a very healthy diet and use that to regulate how my body looks and feels, I really want to schedule in more workouts because of how they make me feel. I'd also like to meditate each day for at least five minutes."
Photo via @bodybymark on Instagram
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Tiffany Cruikshank, Founder of Yoga Medicine and Author of "Meditate Your Weight"
"At the beginning of each year, I set year-long goals for work, health, family and personal. I stick to one big goal for each category and then make a list of other small goals I want to consider. I make a repeating appointment in my calendar for the first of each month so that I check in on them on a regular basis. Nothing is off limits and I try to make my goals as specific as possible. A whole year allows me to think big and the repeating appointment gives me a reminder and shows me that it's attainable, based on my past goals."
Photo via @tiffanycruikshank on Instagram
Dashama Konah: FitFusion Trainer
"For 2017, I also plan to go 100 percent vegan with at least 80 percent coming from raw plant based nutrition. I've been about 80 percent vegan for a long time, but now I am ready for the next level. I feel such a great clear and healthy energy from this way of eating now."
Photo courtesy of @pranashama on Instagram
Megan Takacs, Personal Trainer and Aaptiv Running Coach
"2017 will be the year of my first triathlon. I want 2017 to be all about stepping outside of my comfort zone. I don't want my New Year's Resolution to be something I eliminate from my life; instead, I prefer to add to it."
Photo via @meg_takacs on Instagram
Mark Ribeiro, Instructor at The Fhitting Room
"My fitness New Year's resolution is maintenance. As a fitness professional who puts in many training sessions a week, maintaining is incredibly important. Adding in activities like daily stretching and foam rolling, acupuncture, going to the sauna, salt baths, and proper post-workout meals is going to be my main focus of 2017!"
Photo via @mpr2fit on Instagram
Simon Lawson, Instructor at The Fhitting Room
"One of my fitness goals for the upcoming year is to stay healthy and injury free by including more mobility and low-impact workouts into my weekly routines. Another goal is to visit a physician for semi-annual health screenings to check my blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, testosterone, and vitamin levels to make sure my body is operating optimally. Last but not least, 2017 is the year of 'The Chef.' I will cook for myself at least five times a week!"
Photo by @slaw823 on Instagram
Michael Chabala, Former Major League Soccer Player and Founder of Sphere, Soccer-inspired Fitness Concept
"I want to dedicate more 'me' time. Since launching Sphere, my days and nights are spent coaching, networking, and working on my business. My goal is to schedule time for myself to reflect, relax and refocus in order to rejuvenate my 'sole' and keep playing at my top speed."
Photo via @mikechabala on Instagram
Nadia Murdock, Fitness Coach and Author of "You Can Have It All"
"A goal not written down is nothing but a wish—so I'm going to commit to paper and write down my resolutions. A journal works well, but I'm a huge fan of a dry erase board, Post-Its, or even putting it on a piece of paper that you keep in your wallet. Anywhere you will see it daily is a great reminder of what you are working towards."
Photo via @nadiamurdock on Instagram
Kacy Duke, Fitness Trainer
"I'm resolving to live a more a balanced life—one that's filled with fun, fitness, and healthy, truly nourishing food. I want to find joy in everything; a joyful life is a great life! And above all, have gratitude.
Photo via @kacyduke on Instagram
Ryan Hurst, Head Coach and Co-Founder of GMB Fitness
"Last year was about recovering from my ankle break, so 2017 will be about doing all the physical activities with my family like hiking, surfing, snowboarding, and Brazilian jiu-jitsu that I couldn't do with them this year. That means making sure I'm at a level to do that and continuing to get stronger."
Photo via @ryhurst on Instagram
Dempsey Marks, Fitness Expert and Co-creator of the PreGame Fit Fitness/lifestyle Program
"I'm making 'get more sleep' a resolution because I've struggled with sleep patterns for a long time and sleep is imperative to both health and happiness. I plan to achieve this by working on getting more quality sleep and I am going to put myself on a sleep schedule so that I am going to sleep and waking up at the same time consistently. I am also going to stop using my phone or computer before bed and am going to make sure I'm not using my bed to work or watch TV."
Photo via @dempseymarks on Instagram
Amanda Murdock, Yoga Teacher and Aaptiv Yoga Trainer
"My New Year's resolution for 2017 is adding more dynamic workouts into my routine. While I'm a personal trainer and yoga instructor, I've pretty much only been doing yoga for the past six months—despite always encouraging my clients to cross train! I'm eager to follow my own advice and add in more HIIT, pilates, and spin workouts to my regular routine."
Photo via @themurcokmovement on Instagram
Rebecca Lewis, In-house Dietitian at HelloFresh
"I want to cook at home more. There's no better way to control what you put in your body than to be your own personal chef. There is a misconception that it takes a long time to cook at home when ordering take-out is still a guaranteed 30-minute wait! Moreover, research has shown that food prepared away from home is higher in calories, fat, sodium, and sugar."
Photo via @rebeccalewisrd on Instagram
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Katy Fraggos, Owner/Creator Perspirology
"I'm going to stay active with co-workers, family, and friends. Don't underestimate the power of numbers! Try swapping that happy hour with co-workers and friends every week for a group fitness outing. Making fitness a fun experience for a group of people can help kick-start a healthier mindset and allow for a support system for those who are nervous about jumping back into the fitness game."
Photo via @perspirology on Instagram
Scarlett Redmond, LA-Based Yoga Instructor and Wellness Advisor
"In 2016, I hit a lot of fitness milestones, but I hit them carelessly. I suffered from several injuries that put me out of my practice for long periods at a time. In 2017, I am resolved to exercise as safely as possible. If I begin to feel any pain, instead of trying to push through it—as I have in the past—I will take the necessary precautions to let it heal. I will allow myself more guilt-free days off from working out to allow proper recovery, and I will try new kinds of fitness programs to avoid exhausting any particular muscles or joints. I will treat bodywork like massages as a necessary maintenance, rather than a splurge. I will focus on mobility as much as I focus on strength. Every day, I will remind myself that fitness is a personal journey. It doesn't matter if I'm keeping up with anyone else, as long as I'm keeping myself healthy in a holistic way."
Photo via @redmofoto on Instagram
Amy Gorin, MS, RDN
"I believe in making New Year's resolutions that are realistic and not too narrow. So, my goal for 2017 is to simply slow down! As a business owner, there are always e-mails to answer and projects to address—but a few extra minutes away from my desk won't change anything. My goal is to take more 'me' time next year for mid-day walks, tea breaks, and chats with friends and colleagues."
Photo via @amydgorin on Instagram
Dr. Emily Kiberd, Wellness Expert to the Stars and Founder of the Urban Wellness Clinic
"My goal is to eat more healthy fats—especially with breakfast. Add grass fed butter or MCT oil to coffee for better-sustained energy all day. Drink more water, especially when I first get up before eating or drinking anything else. Start making my exhale twice as long as my inhale for a calmer mind and nervous system."
Photo via @urbanwellnessclinic on Instagram
Morgan Kline: CFO, Co-founder & Trainer at Burn Boot Camp
"I want to work on my weaknesses—in and out of the gym. I'm going to focus on how I can improve and continue to grow and get better at the things that take me outside of my comfort zone! I'm not allowing myself to skip workouts, and I'll develop my personal skills by reading more books and listening to other leaders in my industry."
Photo via @mklinefitness on Instagram
Rachel Robinson, Instructor at Barry's Bootcamp Miami Beach
<img class='img-responsive' src='//s.eatthis-cdn.com/media/images/ext/305799362/rachel-robinson.jpg' alt='rachel robinson, instructor at barry's bootcamp miami beach'>
"Eat less meat. I feel nowadays we all have to be more conscious, not only will I be lighter and healthier but it also helps our environment by eating less meat."
Photo via @rachel_fitness on Instagram