10 Best Vitamin D Supplements, According to Dietitians
Are you getting enough vitamin D? With our increasingly indoor lifestyles, many Americans fall short...
7 Best Supplements for a Longer Life, According to a Dietitian
The average American is living longer than what was seen a century ago, with the...
7 Side Effects of Taking a Multivitamin Every Day
Vitamins and supplements can be a great way to give your body the nutrients it...
10 Best Supplements You Should Be Taking After 40
If you have already joined the 40+ club, you may have noticed that your confidence...
5 Supplements That Trainers Actually Take
Whether you're looking to reduce inflammation, slow down signs of aging, enhance your workout, or...
9 Best Supplements for Reducing Inflammation, Say Dietitians
Reducing inflammation is a buzzy goal that health influencers and health care professionals alike encourage...
9 Best Supplements to Slow Signs of Aging After 40
Turning 40 is a rite of passage. And if you have reached this milestone, you...
11 Supplements That Dietitians Actually Take
Dietitians typically have a "food-first" approach when they are working with clients to help them...
7 Best Supplements for Women Over 50
With all the hype surrounding supplements nowadays, you may be eager to start taking some...
8 Best Supplements for Gut Health
With the explosion of gut health-supporting foods that keep showing up on grocery shelves, or how...
Kendall Jenner & Hailey Bieber Take NAD+ to Prevent Aging—But What Is This Supplement?
People often comment that the Kardashians are aging in reverse. While we may never know...
I Tried Personalized Supplements for a Month & Noticed These 5 Life-Changing Effects
Full disclosure: I've always been a sucker for supplements. Though I of course always make...
Taking Vitamin D Supplements Regularly May Reduce Your Skin Cancer Risk, Study Says
It's thought that one out of every five people in the United States will face...
4 Signs You May Need a Multivitamin, According to Dietitians
Anyone who aims to stay as fabulously fit and healthy as possible likely knows that...
Vitamin D Deficiency May Lead to Loss of Muscle as You Age, Study Says
Losing muscle as you get older can be inconvenient, not to mention dangerous. Along with...
What Happens to Your Body When You Take Echinacea Every Day
If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it's the critical importance of taking good care...
You're at Risk of Vitamin D Deficiency This Winter, But Getting More of This Mineral May Help
It's estimated that at least 40% of adults in the United States are deficient in...
Antioxidant Supplement Linked to Deadly Heart Disease & Stroke, New Study Finds
Trust us, we're well aware of the fact that making sure that you're eating a...
The Best Supplements To Slow Aging, Say Dietitians
There isn't anything we can do to stop time. However, there are lifestyle choices and...
4 Mood-Boosting Foods To Eat When You Need a Pick-Me-Up
It's no secret that your diet significantly impacts your health. The foods and beverages you...
The #1 Best Supplement to Boost Motivation, New Study Suggests
If you've been lacking the get-up-and-go kind of gumption that you need to be productive...