6 Wines Made From the Lowest Quality Ingredients

While often eye-catching and sophisticated, the funny thing about wine labels is that they don't...

12 Old-Fashioned Ballpark Foods You've Got To Try at Least Once

Baseball is a taste of nostalgia. Fans of the game will always remember that first...

8 Foods to Avoid on the Keto Diet

The keto diet is a hyper-specific and niche eating regimen involving minimal to no carbohydrates...

7 Peanut Butter Brands Made with the Lowest Quality Ingredients

Peanut butter is a staple food in many American homes and is enjoyed around much...

6 Juices With the Lowest-Quality Ingredients

When you peruse the juice aisle at your local grocery store, you'll find an overwhelming...

7 Ugly Side Effects of Eating Red Meat Every Day

There are many opinions when it comes to red meat consumption. While devoted carnivores stock...

Signs You're Allergic to What You Just Ate

It is estimated that 32 million Americans have food allergies, with the most common ones...

The Absolute Worst Drinks for High Blood Sugar

The worst drinks for blood sugar control are the drinks containing the greatest amount of...

5 Worst Salad Dressings for High Cholesterol

When your cholesterol starts creeping up, your doctor will likely suggest diet changes as the...

5 Fast-Food Tacos With the Lowest Quality Ingredients

Tacos are a staple fast-food item, and a beloved meal by many. While you may...

9 Secrets Denny's Doesn't Want You to Know

Denny's has been serving up plate after plate of low-cost short order meals for nearly...

5 Worst Salad Dressings for Blood Sugar

Sneaky food additives are everywhere in our food system, and condiments are one of the...

8 Incredible Effects of Giving Up Chocolate for a Month, Says Research

If you are a chocolate lover, then you are not alone. According to research, Americans,...

6 Ugly Side Effects of Taking Melatonin Before Bed

Did you know that your brain naturally creates the hormone melatonin when you're in a...

7 Unhealthiest Midwestern Foods to Always Say "No" To

Beer cheese, fried cheese curds, cookie salad—these Midwestern favorites may be mouth-watering, but they do...

The 4 Worst Condiments for Blood Sugar, According to a Dietitian

High blood sugar can stem from many factors, including stress, lack of sleep, and what...

15 Foods That Just Taste Better in the South

When it comes to Southern food, there are many influences at play—from Cajun and Creole...

6 People Who Should Never Eat Red Meat, According to Dietitians

By now, it's probably no secret to you that red meat has a bad reputation...

6 People Who Should Never Drink Beer, According to a Doctor

Whether you're headed to the bar after a long week at work or just want...

Little-Known Snacking Habits That Can Increase Your Heart Disease Risk

Heart disease can be a terrifying thing to be mindful of as you age, whether...

8 Popular Beers That Use the Lowest Quality Ingredients

In Ingolstadt, Germany Just over 500 years ago, in the year 1516, the Duke of...

5 Worst Foods Destroying Your Sex Life

What you eat can really extinguish a hot sex life, and we're not talking about...

Are Artificial Colors Really That Bad For You?

Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6 are ingredients you may have noticed listed on...

The Pasta Switch Everyone Should Make Immediately

Americans love their pasta. In fact, one survey by the National Pasta Association found that...

The 7 Worst Desserts for Diabetes, Say Dietitians

Carbohydrates are a very important macronutrient that most people with diabetes keep a close eye...

10 Worst Beers to Always Leave on Grocery Store Shelves

We are living in a veritable Golden Age of brewing. According to Beer Connoisseur, there...

9 Cereals That Use the Lowest Quality Ingredients

Cereal is an easy breakfast food to eat when you don't feel like making some...

15 Old-Fashioned Cooking Tips You Should Never Use, Say Experts

While there are cooking techniques and tips that have stood the test of time, there...

15 Worst '90s Foods That Should Never Make a Comeback

Thinking about the best foods from the '90s can make anyone put on their rose-colored...