3 Workouts Proven to Change Your Body Shape, Says Exercise Expert
It's simply a fact that we're born with certain body shapes. Depending on where the...
The Secret Exercise Trick for a Much Stronger Core
A friend of mine once described yoga to me in a way that made me...
The Secret Exercise Trick for Getting Flatter Abs Faster
If you're determined to get a flatter stomach and put your abdominal muscles on display...
This 10-Second Trick Will Help You Lose Weight, Says Exercise Expert
Here's a fundamental law of exercise: If you want to burn more calories for the...
Do These 5 Things for a Perfect Butt, Says Top Personal Trainer
Fact: Just about every female client that I work with has the goal of getting...
The Secret Trick for Better Exercise, Says New Study
Scientists have long proven that the phrase "no pain, no gain," is utter B.S. (For...
5 Workout Moves You Should Never Do, Say Exercise Scientists
For all that we know about working out, a few bad exercises have persisted over...
4 Popular Exercises That Can Really Mess Up Your Lower Back
For far too many of us, the lower back area is a hypersensitive area. In...