Totally Crazy Side Effects of Exercising You Didn't Know, Says Science
You know that regular exercise, whether you're walking, running, lifting weights, rowing, climbing, or performing...
How Much Money You Need to Feel "Comfortable" in Life, Says New Study
One study famously calculated that you need to earn at least $75,000 every year in...
Surprising Habits That Are Rapidly Aging Your Body, Says Science
We all know there are ways of living that promote a longer lifespan and younger...
Secret Celeb Self-Care Tricks That Totally Work
Self-care—the act of promoting health and well-being for yourself, your family, and your community—has never...
Nike's CEO Reveals His Secret Mental Health Tricks
Whether or not you knew or cared that May is technically "mental health awareness" month,...
What Happens to Your Body When You Have a Busy Job, Says Science
Recently, a group of angry junior bankers at Goldman Sachs caused a stir by bringing...
This Is What Doing Squats Does to Your Body, According to Science
On average, the typical American adult spends roughly six-and-a-half hours each and every day sitting...
This Is What Zoom Calls Are Doing to Your Body, Say Psychologists
When historians look back on life in the era of COVID-19, they'll likely note that...
If You Think This About Yourself, You'll Live Longer, Says New Study
Whatever your driver's license may tell you, a new study from the American Psychological Association...
People Over 40 Who Do This Get Less Sleep, Says New Study
Scientists have well established by now that staring at your devices in the evening does...
What Cleaning Your Home Just 2 Times Per Week Does to Your Body
When you hear the phrase "healthy habits," things like exercise, drinking water, and nutritious eating...
You Shouldn't Shower at This Time of Day, Say Experts
It's a cleanliness topic that's likely been debated since the first shower was invented in...
These Are the Body Parts You're Not Washing Enough, Say Dermatologists
It was Ben Franklin who once famously said that there is nothing certain in this...
7 Things Every Exercise Walker Finds Totally Annoying
"In every walk in nature," the famed 19th-century Scottish naturalist and philosopher John Muir once...
The Secret Trick to Beating Procrastination, Says Top Psychologist
According to Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., a professor psychology at Canada's Carleton University and one...
4 Bedtime Habits That Are Harming Your Body, Says Science
How you spend the minutes before turning down for the evening is more important for...
If You Live Here, You're More Likely to Be a Psychopath, Says Study
All too often people can fling about the term "psychopath" as if it's synonymous with...
Doing This One Thing Will Make You Less of a Jerk, Say Psychologists
According to a 2015 article in The Atlantic, behaving like a jerk can indeed help...
The #1 Way You're Napping All Wrong, Say Sleep Experts
According to data compiled by Pew Research Center, roughly one-third of American adults are inveterate...
Totally Surprising Tricks for Living Longer, Says Longevity Doctor
Not every morsel of healthy living advice for living a longer and more fruitful life...
One Simple Sleep Trick That Can Change Your Life, Say Doctors
If you're a person who suffers from pain—back pain, neck pain, hip pain, pregnancy-related pain,...
Simple Ways to Get Fitter That Aren't Exercise, Say Experts
According to the leading health authorities, the five pillars of great fitness include power, speed,...
The Secret Reason Why You Never Get Anything Done, Say Psychologists
We've all been there. Work deadlines are looming, the to-do list is ballooning, and the...
Totally Crazy Ways Bad Weather Affects Your Body, Say Doctors
It's an age-old question every grandfather with creaky knees claims to know the answer to:...
Doing This While Walking Helps You Beat Stress, Say Experts
According to a report published earlier in the year by The Wall Street Journal, walking...