The Best Proteins for Men, According to Dietitians

It's no secret that most men typically don't fear protein. In fact, they often embrace...

10 Worst Eating Habits for Men

Following a healthy diet can be tricky, especially when you're dealing with stress and even...

The One Food Men Should Eat Every Day

Summer is often thought of as the season for fruit. From fresh watermelon to ripe...

18 Best Carbs for Men to Help You Lose Weight

If you've tried sticking to a low carb eating plan like the ketogenic diet you...

8 Healthy Eating Habits for Men

According to Duke University researchers, about 40% of people's everyday action is characterized by habitual...

The One Food Men Should Never Eat

When it comes to making healthy food choices, there are so many foods that we...

5 Self-Exams You Can Do at Home Right Now

It's important to go to the doctor for a regular checkup. But even those of...

10 Best Protein Powders for Men

So you want to try a new protein powder? Or maybe you want to dabble...

10 Nutritional Deficiencies Men Should Watch for in Their 40s

"Healthy aging begins decades before we typically think about it," says Suzanne Dixon, RD, a...

Science Shows Eating This Food Will Make Men More Attractive

You've got the expensive cologne, sharp suit, and fresh haircut, but still aren't getting as...

16 Best Foods To Increase Sperm Count And Health

Procreating isn't always as easy as dimming the lights, pouring some wine, and wearing your...

17 Ways to Lose Weight Like a Man

I have spent a lifetime on every diet under the sun—from counting calories to cutting...

30 Six-Pack Secrets from the World's Fittest Men

"I hate to lose," my friend Jim told me the other day. He was talking...

10 Foods That Give You Man Boobs

What few people realize is that certain foods, called "estrogenics," actually act on men to...

The 13 Worst Foods for Your Erection

In terms of performance, it's been said that the penis has a mind of its...

Foods That Make Men More Sexually Attractive

If we said that your diet can boost your sex appeal, what would you think?...

The 10 Best Foods for Your Penis, According to Science

Before you call my bluff, know that it's completely plausible. It wouldn't be an exact...

Best Foods to Eat for Virility

New research shows what a man eats on a regular basis has a significant influence...