I Gave Up Added Sugar for Two Weeks and Here's What Happened
If you asked twenty-five-year-old me to predict what my forties would look like, I would...
The #1 Way to Crush Sugar Cravings
When it comes to losing weight, there isn't an easy pill to take to make...
50 Low-Sugar Foods Every Healthy Person Eats
When you start paying attention to food labels, it's pretty shocking what you may find—especially...
Siggi's Releases Plant-Based Yogurt With More Protein Than a Clif Bar
Siggi's just launched a new plant-based yogurt that has more protein than any other plant-based...
30 Easy Ways to Stop Eating So Much Sugar
"Eat less sugar." It may be a short and sweet suggestion (pun intended) but when...
Here's How Cutting Added Sugar Changed My Outlook on My Diet
Added sugar lurks in many packaged and processed foods, and you may not even know...
What Happens to Your Body When You Eat Artificial Sweeteners
So you've probably seen artificial sweeteners in your diet soda. You've also spotted them in...
12 Best Sugar-Free Protein Powders
By now, you're probably familiar with protein powder; it's an affordable supplement that makes instantly...
5 Low-Sugar Alcoholic Drinks for Weight Loss
Happy hour may save you a few extra bucks and get you a good buzz,...
The 15 Worst Low-Sugar Groceries
It may be clichéd, but history really does repeat itself. After seeing what a mess...