8 Foods for Her Sex Drive Better than Female Viagra

Is one bout of hot sex a month worth risking your health for? That's the...

The 20 Best Calcium-Rich Foods That Aren't Dairy

It's not exactly groundbreaking news that calcium plays a leading role in bone health and...

25 Perfect Muscle-Building Foods

If you want to look fit and toned, your kitchen game has to be as...

25 Best Foods to Eat for Your Thyroid and Metabolism

Your thyroid is an unassuming butterfly-shaped gland in your neck that secretes all-important hormones that...

What the Heck is Nooch?

Nutritional yeast, or nooch for short, has been a cornerstone of the vegan diet for decades,...

Eat This, Not That! to Fight Cold Sores

Cold sores can do to our social lives what anvils do to Wyle E. Coyote:...

18 Sweet Potato Recipes for Weight Loss

Sweet potatoes aren't just a must-have dish for gathering the family around the holiday table—they're...

9 Best Pastas for Weight Loss

You don't have to give up your favorite carby dish in the name of weight...

How to Lose Weight Eating Resistant Starch

Starchy foods like potatoes and pasta have had horrible reputations among dieters for decades. We've...

7 Best Foods for Your Orgasm

Fact: Your orgasms could be stronger, longer and more plentiful than they currently are. The...

4 Healthy Lunches from Popular Restaurants

It's easy enough to feel in control of breakfast and dinner since those meals are...

Lose Weight Fast With These Low Carb Snacks And Fast-Food Meals

Most burgers and fast-casual menu items are built upon notorious carb offenders like buns, wraps...

Healthy Lunch Ideas at KFC

Instead of white-knuckling it through every craving, simply be discerning about what you order–there are...

Best Full-Fat Yogurt for Weight Loss

Consumers are finally off their low-fat kick and clamoring for full-fat yogurt and other non-skim...

Quinoa vs. Millet: Superfood Swaps

Every day a new must-try superfood hits supermarket shelves, each with a chorus of health...