25 Unhealthiest Habits for Your Digestion

You probably have a gut feeling that your gastrointestinal (GI) tract is highly complex. "Our...

This Fermented Vegetable May Help Protect Against COVID-19, New Study Finds

In the early stages of the pandemic, researchers and health experts alike were saying that...

11 Foods Women Should Eat Every Day

Looking to spruce up your diet with healthy choices every single day? Us too. And...

15 School Lunches Ready in 5 Minutes or Less

We get it: School is back in session, you're in a hurry, and Jimmy John's...

6 Subtle Signs You're Eating Too Much Red Meat

Red meat is a staple in the diets of many Americans. What is more American...

3 Surprising Warning Signs You're Eating Too Much

Many of us are likely to admit that at the start of the pandemic we...

40 Healthiest Foods That Doctors Always Eat

Given their years of medical training, you'd think doctors would know exactly what to eat...

11 Foods That Help Prevent Heat Stroke

Heat exhaustion can happen to anyone—from athletes to walkers to those just tending to their...

9 Warning Signs You're Not Eating Enough Vegetables

Vegetables have an undeserved reputation for being bland, lacking flavor, or tasting bitter. (But that's...

This Is Secretly What's in Your Hot Dog

Hot dogs are a quintessential summer barbecue staple, but oftentimes, the ingredients are far from...

15 Surprising Foods That Will Help You Lose Fat Fast

When it comes to finally shed the last of those few unwanted pounds, you might...

15 Fast & Delicious Side Dishes

Deciding to stay in and cook your dinner instead of dining out is already a...

5 Surprising Side Effects of Eating Home Cooked Food

One of the many things this pandemic has taught us all is that cooking is...

9 Healthy Foods That Turn Off Your Hunger Switch Fast

Your body has a hunger switch, and we're here to teach you how to control...

These Are the Best Foods for Your Lungs

What you eat has an effect on pretty much every aspect of your health—and that...

The 21 Best Cheap Foods to Buy That Are Surprisingly Healthy

Most people think that eating healthy comes with a stiff price tag—cold-pressed juices for $8...

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Eating Meat

Whether you like it or not, you can't change the facts: Our country is about...

The Easiest Guacamole Recipe You'll Ever Make

Nobody should be without a solid guacamole recipe. It's a healthy, incredibly delicious condiment that...

31 Foods You Can Use for an At-Home Facial

We've told you before about what to eat for glowy skin—but instead of what to...

17 Therapeutic Foods to Help Cope With Stress and Improve Your Mood

With all the daily stressors we experience in our lives, anxiety may seem like its...

When Is Meat Cooked Properly and Done?

When you go out to a restaurant and order meat or fish it's the chef's...

17 Must-Have Groceries You (Surprisingly) Don't Need to Refrigerate

Eggs, milk, cheese, fresh produce… There's at least one thing in common with all of...

What to Eat—and What to Skip—When It Comes to Takeout Food

While many of us are brushing up on our cooking skills and making more meals...

7 Foods That Help With a Fever

There is nothing comfortable about a fever. The combination of shivering and sweating is torture....

7 Foods That Can Help Soothe a Cough, According to Experts

A cough can be one of the most frustrating symptoms of the common cold or...

22 Naturally Moisturizing Foods To Eat When You Have Dry Skin

Washing your hands excessively? Doing the dishes more frequently? Dealing with breezy cold weather? All...

25 Best Foods to Eat for Muscle Definition and Toning

Pumping iron is important for muscle growth, but so is getting enough of the mineral...

7 Foods That Help With a Sore Throat

Pretty much everyone has experienced pharyngitis (or commonly known as a sore throat) at some...

Here's How I Learned to Love My Body Again

Meeting your weight loss goal is never easy, especially during these challenging times. And when...

13 Home Remedies For The Symptoms You Might Be Experiencing Right Now

During less wild times, as soon as you felt a sickness coming you'd probably head...