8 Grocery Chains Shoppers Say Have the Freshest Produce

The produce section is often the first thing you'll see as you walk into a...

8 Grocery Chains With the Best Produce Departments

Not all sections of the grocery store are created equal. The meat counter comes on...

The 10 Healthiest High-Fiber Fruits, According to Dietitians

What foods come to mind when you hear the word "fiber?" Whole grains? Beans? Raisin...

The 10 Healthiest Fruits You Can Eat

When asked to name the healthiest fruits, it's a challenging task because all fruits are...

Trader Joe's Unique New Apple Tastes 'Like Candy'

From the miniature pies to the festive appetizers, Trader Joe's is practically brimming with seasonal...

10 Healthiest Juices on Grocery Shelves, According to Dietitians

As beverages go, juice is one of the most controversial. Is it healthy since it's...

10 Best Low-Calorie Fruits for Weight Loss

Whether you're adding berries to yogurt, snacking on apple slices with peanut butter, or enjoying...

I Tried 15 Popular Apple Varieties & the Best Was Perfectly Tart and Sweet

Humankind has been cultivating and enjoying apples for hundreds of thousands of years. Though some...

25 Delicious Apple Recipes That Are Perfect for Fall

Fall is finally here, and after a long, scorching summer, it's time to settle into...

6 Grocery Items You Should Never Buy Canned, According to Chefs

Canned food doesn't always have the best reputation, though it plays a crucial role in...

Are Raisins Healthy? 8 Benefits & Side Effects

Get the inside scoop from registered dietitians on whether raisins are a friend or foe...

6 Best Canned Tomatoes, According to Chefs

The middle of summer is peak season for many fresh fruits and veggies—perhaps most notably...

Are Acai Bowls Healthy? We Asked a Nutritionist

If you're a fan of berries, you don't have to limit yourself to the blueberries,...

Are Cherries Healthy? 8 Health Benefits

When you're craving a healthy summer snack, you'd be hard-pressed to find a more enjoyable...

23 Creative & Healthy Watermelon Recipes for July 4th

There's no fruit more synonymous with summer than watermelon. Not only is the red-hued fruit...

16 Summer Fruits & Veggies At Peak Deliciousness Right Now

Although it often seems fleeting, summertime is treasured for so many reasons: sunshine, balmy weather,...

The 10 Healthiest Low-Sugar Fruits You Can Eat

If you're concerned about your sugar intake, it's not without merit—after all, most Americans consume...

10 Best Fruits & Vegetables To Eat for Longevity

There are so many factors that affect how you age: genetics, environment, stress, tobacco use,...

15 Fruits & Veggies That Are at Peak Deliciousness Right Now

While springtime has now officially arrived, many Americans are still on the cusp of sunshine,...

The 8 Healthiest Jams & Jellies—and 3 To Avoid

Nothing adds a burst of fresh fruit flavors like a spread of jam or jelly,...

25 Best Antioxidant-Rich Fruits & Vegetables

Antioxidant-rich foods have long been championed by health professionals as crucial components of a healthy...

10 Best Fruits To Reduce Inflammation

Looking to reduce inflammation and boost your health? If so, you've come to the right...

12 Fruits & Veggies That Contain the Most Pesticides in 2024

When you bite into a fresh fruit or vegetable in the United States, there's a...

25 Easy Ways to Eat More Fruits & Veggies at Every Meal

Eating more fruits and vegetables is important for your health, but you may struggle to...

The #1 Best Fruit To Eat After a Workout for Muscle Recovery

After you finish an invigorating workout, there's nothing better than rewarding yourself with a treat....

Costco Shoppers Are Reporting an Issue With a Popular Fresh Produce Item

Costco is no stranger to produce-related complaints, with shoppers repeatedly taking to the internet to...

Can Eating Grapes Help You Lose Weight?

The quest for long-term weight loss starts at the grocery store—or, more specifically, in the...

Why Everyone's Going Wild Over Pears From Trader Joe's

Trader Joe's has been in holiday mode for a while now, exciting shoppers with festive...

The #1 Best Fruit To Eat for Weight Loss, According to Dietitians

You likely think of fruit as a healthy food because of its vitamin, mineral, and...

How Many Calories Are In a Banana?

If you're looking to lose weight, reevaluating your eating habits is an excellent place to...