6 Eating Habits To Fast-Track Fat Burning
Losing weight and belly fat is a process. It doesn't happen overnight after you've stopped...
The #1 Best Food to Reduce Belly Fat
Body fat is not all bad. In fact, you need it to survive. According to...
32 Food Pairings That Can Actually Double Your Weight Loss
Want to lose weight fast? The solution is simple: Eat more. Although that may sound...
6 Best Foods That Melt Abdominal Fat, Say Dietitians
Abdominal fat (also known as visceral fat) can be pretty difficult to drop. Thankfully, when...
25 Surprising Foods That Blast Fat
Now that the colder months are making their annual comeback, you might find yourself really...
Popular Foods That Decrease Visceral Fat, Say Dietitians
You know the saying "you are what you eat"? That sentiment could not be more...
The One Food That Melts Fat Fast, Says Science
Just about everyone wishes all it took was a bite of one food, and any...
Losing Weight Is Not the Same As Fat Loss, Doctor Says
If your goal is to tone up, start by asking yourself what you're trying to...
5 Surprising Fat-Burners Your Diet Is Missing
Whether you're looking to jumpstart your weight loss, kick your metabolism into full gear, or...
Healthy Foods That Actually Don't Burn Fat
We all know those food myths that circulate, promising that certain food and drinks can...
10 Fat-Burning Smoothie Recipes Nutritionists Always Drink
Smoothies can be very hit or miss if you don't know how to make them...
15 Surprising Foods That Will Help You Lose Fat Fast
When it comes to finally shed the last of those few unwanted pounds, you might...
8 Best Fat-Burning Foods
Whether it's turning off fat genes, revving your metabolism and ability to burn fat, or...
15 Foods That Switch On Your Fat-Burning Hormones
"I can't take it anymore!" said a coworker's mom the other day, while visiting the...
Fat-Burning Foods to Put In Your Overnight Oats
What makes it such a nutritional superhero? Unlike most cold cereals, it's packed with insoluble...
25 Perfect Muscle-Building Foods
If you want to look fit and toned, your kitchen game has to be as...
How to Make a Fat-Burning Beef Burger
There's nothing quite like a good, juicy burger. And, yes, it is possible to eat...
The Best and Worst Fat-Burning Chocolates—Ranked!
The flavonols in chocolate can lower blood pressure, improve your cholesterol profile, and lower your...
Have a Better Fat-Burning Workout with These Vitamin B1 Foods
A sufficient dose helps to increase energy levels for a killer workout and aids the...
10 Best Fat-Burning Smoothie Ingredients
Thanks to certain scientifically-proven fat-burning ingredients and weight loss foods, smoothies can be rich, creamy,...
Best Fat-Burning Foods for Your Healthy Salad
This is both the beauty and burden of the modern salad matrix: While there are...
7 Fat-Burning Ways to Make Chicken
You've heard the phrase "if you're bored, you're boring?" Well, if the prospect of downing...
7 Fat-Burning Ways to Cook With Quinoa
And though we've already told you how kale's a little overhyped (there are 10 Greens...
8 Fat-Burning Ways to Eat Eggs
Beyond easily upping your daily protein count— each 85-calorie eggs packs a solid 7 grams...
6 Fat-Burning Ways to Eat Yogurt
It's packed with protein—up to 15 grams per pot in some of our favorites—and even...