Unhealthy Drinks Dietitians Say You Should Stop Sipping Right Now

When it comes to improving your health and overall wellbeing, it's not just what's on...

These Are the Top 5 Summer Craft Beers, New Data Says

A lot of craft beer lovers love a good suggestion for a new one to...

The Worst Fast-Food Beverages in America

Sometimes, the hardest part about deciding what you want to get at the drive-thru isn't...

The 3 Best Drinks to Speed Up Your Metabolism, According to Experts

It's summer, so you're staying hydrated… right? Great—and if slimming down is another health goal...

The #1 Healthiest New Summer Drink to Order at Dunkin'

You want to know what's refreshing, besides a nice, cold drink on a hot day?...

This State Just Got Its First Self-Serve Beer Restaurant

The pandemic has certainly spurred some food and beverage establishments to evolve in intriguing ways,...

Coca-Cola Faces Major Backlash Over This Bottle Feature

If you were mildly confused when Coca-Cola introduced their "Share a Coke" campaign a few...

What Happens To Your Liver When You Drink Soda

It's no secret that when it comes to drinks, soda is not the healthiest choice....

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Lemonade, Says Science

Summer's most refreshing drink, lemonade, seems as innocent as a 6-year-old selling 25-cent cups at...

This Secret McDonald's Coffee Drink Is Exploding In Popularity

If you love inside secrets about the McDonald's menu (like how to make sure you...

Taking This Supplement Without Water Caused a 20-Year-Old to Have a Heart Attack

When figures on social media promote a dare that involves your body, it's wise to...

The #1 Best Alcoholic Beverage To Drink, Says Dietitian

What's your alcoholic beverage of choice? Beer, whiskey, mezcal, hard seltzer, the list of options...

The Worst Wine to Drink Right Now, Experts Say

Even if you enjoy a glass of wine once in a while (and reap some...

The Worst Soda Flavor You Should Never Drink, Says an RD

Soda in any flavor is never the best choice. It's a drink that is lacking...

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Hard Seltzer, Says Expert

'Tis the season for hard seltzer, and there's no shortage of brands to add to...

Taco Bell Is Experiencing a Shortage of this Popular Drink, Customers Say

There are plenty of commodity shortages rocking the U.S. economy at the moment—labor and computer...

One Major Side Effect of Drinking From a Plastic Bottle, Says Science

In a large part of the world, rising temps mean it's that time of the...

What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Caffeine

The Internet can be full of a lot of misinformation—especially in regards to health, nutrition, and wellness....

I Drank Chlorophyll Water for 7 Days—Here's What It Did to My Skin

There's been a wave of claims recently—specifically, on TikTok—that chlorophyll water is the hot, new...

One Major Side Effect of Drinking Too Much Alcohol, Says Science

Like all aspects of a balanced diet, we know that over-boozing isn't in our best...

Surprising Side Effects of Not Drinking Soda, Say Dietitians

Whether it's a cola with dinner or a lemon-lime soda at the movies, drinking soda...

One Major Effect of Drinking Tart Cherry Juice, According To Experts

You've probably heard some buzz that tart cherry juice is loaded with antioxidants that help...

Surprising Side Effects Wine Has On Your Liver, Says Science

If wine is considered a part of the Mediterranean diet—which is continually ranked the best...

The One Spice Everyone Is Adding To Their Coffee

If you're one of the many whose coffee drinking grew more adventurous during lockdown life,...

Coca-Cola Sabotaged Dozens of Its Small Brands, New Report Claims

Along with the news that they're already slashing a newly launched drink from their lineup,...

Popular Drinks That Are Wrecking Your Body, Say Dietitians

Whether you're trying to lose weight or simply get healthier, odds are you've considered revamping...

The Restaurant Drinks You Should Never Order, According to RDs

When dining out, you may consider the calories, fat, and sugar that come from the...

The Worst Types of Drinks for Your Liver, According to Science

Your liver sucks. Not just your liver, but everyone's liver sucks—like a vacuum cleaner. You...

The #1 Best Beer to Drink, According to Experts

It could be argued that there's never been a better time to celebrate. The protective...

This Tea Makes Your Hair Healthier, Science Says

You already know that drinking tea has amazing health benefits, like lowering blood pressure, boosting...