Bad Walking Habits You Should Stop Immediately, Say Walking Experts

Fun fact: There's no such thing as a "perfect" walker, as our gaits never follow...

This 10-Second Trick Will Help You Lose Weight, Says Exercise Expert

Here's a fundamental law of exercise: If you want to burn more calories for the...

What Happens to Your Body When You Have Sex, Says Science

While there are certainly some exceptions, most people likely don't need to be convinced why...

Secret Tricks for Walking Better Starting Now, Say Experts

Just because walking comes naturally to us as bipedal mammals doesn't mean we're all necessarily...

Doing This One Simple Thing Will Keep Your Weight Down, Says New Study

As the inventor of the concept of the "fitness age"—and a physiologist responsible for no...

The Secret Trick for Better Exercise, Says New Study

Scientists have long proven that the phrase "no pain, no gain," is utter B.S. (For...

Walk to This One Song If You Want to Live Longer, Says Top Doctor

In 2018, researchers from the UK's Ulster University published a study in the British Journal...

You Need to Exercise This Much to Extend Your Lifespan, Says New Study

According to the guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, adults should...