People Are Eating Popsicles for Breakfast—Are They Healthy?
You lick them poolside and pack them in your beach cooler, but have you ever...
7 Breakfasts a Dietitian Swears By
Breakfast skippers take note: Eating a nutrient-rich meal within two to three hours of waking...
35 Breakfasts Celebrities Swear By
The most famous faces in Hollywood may have personal chefs, trainers, and nutritionists at their...
Khloé Kardashian's Easy Pre-Workout 3-Ingredient Breakfasts
If you're an avid viewer of Khloe Kardashian's Snapchat, you already know that she loves...
18 Three-Ingredient Breakfasts For Busy Mornings
Here at Eat This, Not That!, we agree that breakfast is the most important meal...
5 Reasons Why You Should Never Skip Breakfast
How many times do you need to be told that breakfast is the most important...
This Is Exactly How Much Protein You Should Eat For Breakfast
Good news, all you breakfast lovers: A recent Cirulation study found that people eating this meal...
Discover the Secrets Behind Taco Bell's New Breakfast Salsa
A few days later, their fiery tweet caught fire, leading fans online wondering what makes...
Lose 14 Pounds in 14 Days Eating This Breakfast
You can with Zero Belly Breakfasts, now available at Sam's Club, Amazon and bookstores everywhere....
20 Energizing Winter Breakfast Ideas
Waking up and getting your day going in the morning isn't easy. Add in the...
10 Breakfast Foods That Make You Sleepy
As a collective population, Americans are tired about as often as a cuddly animal video...
10 Ways to Slim Down Those Trendy Instagram Breakfasts
Breakfast is definitely a photogenic meal. From snaps of avocado toast with crusty, textured bread...
12 Homemade Granola Bar Recipes You'll Adore
If you're like most of us, weekday mornings consist of hitting snooze and then sorrowfully...
10 Things You Don't Know About Kashi
In the 1980s, buying packaged foods with simple, natural ingredients you could see and pronounce...
20 Tips and Tricks for Better Breakfast Casseroles
Breakfast: the meal that gets us out of bed and starts our days. But when...
20 Healthy Lunch Ideas That Aren't Avocado Toast
We all know that avocado is a fantastic, good-for-you ingredient; it's versatile enough to be...
20 Worst 'Healthy' Cereals
If you're an avid Eat This, Not That! reader, you probably know by now that...
26 Breakfasts Celebrities Love
Stars—they're just like us! No, really! Sure, celebrities may have enlisted the help of personal...
15 Popular "Breakfast" Foods You Need to Give Up ASAP
If breakfast is the most important meal of the day for some people, why do...
How to Choose the Best Breakfast for Your Body Goals
Yes, there's even science to prove it! A study published in Obesity Research & Clinical...
10 International Breakfasts Healthier Than Yours
Here's the thing about why breakfast is so important: After 6+ hours or sleep, your...
5 Filling Breakfasts for Weight Loss
Sure, time is always an issue, but 15 minutes spent making breakfast could help you...
30 Bowls For Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner—That Aren't Soup!
Smoothie bowls, breakfast bowls, macro bowls, Buddha bowls, and quinoa bowls have all taken the...
15 Breakfast Salads Worth Waking Up For
Here at Eat This, Not That!, there are two things we're always on the look...
10 Best Instant Breakfasts for Weight Loss
You also know that it needn't be a big production. But although reaching for a...
18 Tips for How to Make Frozen Oatmeal Cups
We're talking about oatmeal, that is. While this porridge is one of the most nutritious...
Chrissy Teigen's Two-Minute Breakfast Recipe
Luckily for Chrissy Teigen AKA Mrs. John Legend, this is one of her strong suits....