9 Foods a Neurosurgeon Eats To Keep His Brain Young

Taking care of your brain on a regular basis is essential. After all, your brain...

8 Best Brain Exercises To Stay Mentally Sharp From a Neurosurgeon

When you think of exercising, your first thought is probably about sweating it out in...

7 Worst Foods For Your Brain Health

Since about two out of every three Americans will experience cognitive impairment once they reach...

9 Brain-Boosting Foods to Enhance Your Cognitive Function

Learning, thinking, problem-solving, decision-making, and being able to pay attention all fall under a term...

5 Eating Habits Destroying Your Body After 30

Your 30s can be a time for flourishing. You're more established, confident, and sure of...

Could Nuts & Spinach Be Your Ticket to a Younger Brain?

Can what you eat really keep your brain young? Researchers from the Australian National University...

This 4-Step Breakfast Routine May Help Protect Your Brain as You Age, Science Says

It's a normal part of the aging process for your body to undergo many types...

Tea, Fruit & Vegetables Can Keep Your Brain Sharp, Study Says

If you want to keep your brain healthy, impressively astute, and wonderfully sharp, then you...

7 Brain-Boosting Breakfast Foods To Eat for a Focused Day

There are so many foods that contain nutrients known to benefit the brain. From nuts...

Eating More Omega-3s Can Improve Cognitive Function, Study Says

Have you caught your quota of fish and omega-3s this week? Eating at least two...