The 5 Best Strength Training Exercises To Burn Fat Fast

In order to torch calories, burn fat, and succeed at your fitness goals, you need to incorporate just the right exercises into your regimen. And if strength training is your favorite thing to do when you hit the gym, it's your lucky day, because we spoke with Conrad Sanchez, a personal trainer on Fyt, about the best strength training exercises to burn fat fast.
Sanchez tells us, "The focus of strength exercises should be to get stronger, but if the goal is to burn more calories, the aim should be to activate as many muscles as possible. Since these exercises require a high level of technique, I strongly suggest perfecting the form of each exercise with body weight or light weights and only going heavy once you feel confident in your form."
Now, lace up your sneakers, and let's dive into the best strength training exercises to burn fat fast, according to Sanchez.
Clean And Press
- Start standing tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and a barbell placed on the ground by your toes.
- Bend your knees a bit and press your hips back as you grab the barbell with an overhand grip.
- In a clean motion, lift the barbell below your shoulders, turn your knuckles toward your face, and shift your elbows to point forward.
- Once the barbell reaches chest height, bend your knees and push into your heels to press the barbell overhead.
- Straighten your legs and arms, keeping your core tight.
- Use control to lower the barbell to the start position.
Turkish Getups
- Lie flat on your back and bend one knee, placing the foot on the ground.
- Hold a dumbbell with the arm that's on the same side as the bent knee, raising the weight overhead.
- Roll onto your supporting arm and lift your hips.
- Swing the extended knee below your bent knee to stand up tall.
- Reverse the motion to return to the start position.
This exercise is quite similar to clean and press, but Sanchez explains that it involves your lower limbs experiencing a deeper range of motion. You can use weights, a medicine ball, or a barbell; however, first, practice the movement with light weights or just your body weight.
- Stand tall with your feet shoulder-distance apart.
- Hold the weight in front of your mid-core.
- Slowly bend both knees so they face outward.
- In a swift motion, push the weight off your core and then pull it back.

- Stand tall with your feet placed hip-width apart.
- Press your hips back and lower into a squat as if you're about to sit on a bench.
- Descend until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
- Press through your heels to rise back up.
Rear-Foot Elevated Split Squats

Like a single-leg squat, this exercise requires an activated core, balance, and pushing with the standing leg.
- Start standing tall, facing away from a workout bench.
- Position the top of your right foot on the bench.
- Bend your left knee and lower to create a 90-degree angle.
- Engage your core and press your body weight into your grounded heel.
- Press back up to standing.