If You Can Climb This Many Flights of Stairs in 60 Seconds, You're in Great Shape
Stairs or elevator? Most of us opt for the easy route and take the elevator, especially if we have heavy bags, are on a time crunch or we're heading to the top floor, but if you want a quick and effective workout, climbing stairs is one way to get your heart rate up and squeeze in your daily steps.
How many stairs you can do matters because it's an indication of your endurance. Whether you have the ability to move up a flight of stairs quickly, or you're out of breath by the time you get to the top, here's how many steps you should aim for in one minute and how to improve your stair climbing count.
Climbing Stairs is a Good Workout
Everyone knows that climbing stairs can be very difficult. I like to joke around that they are my worst enemy, but that in no way stops me from using the stair climber frequently or even skipping hills on my long runs. Walking stairs can be extremely beneficial–it is so good for your leg muscles, including the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves, as they are all feeling the burn with each step you take.
Another important muscle climbing the stairs works out is the heart. If you think of the heart as another muscle, the higher your heart rate raises, the more of a workout it receives and climbing stairs will ABSOLUTELY increase the heart rate. The stronger your heart, the more efficient it becomes with pumping blood and oxygen throughout your body. In the long run, this can lower blood pressure, blood sugar, not to mention increase the endorphins in your body, leaving you feeling great after your workout!
How Many Flights of Stairs to Aim For in 60 Seconds
Throughout my years of fitness and training, everyone is at their own level and on their own journey, so it all depends on age and fitness level.
-A reasonable goal for someone who is more active on a regular basis could be anywhere from 80-100 steps (40-50 up, the same amount down).
-Mid-active can be anywhere from 60-80
-Individuals who don't have a regular exercise routine, or elderly adults, can be anywhere from 40-60 steps. With elderly adults, this does depend on movement, mobility, etc.
I do want to note that this isn't a "you have to be at this level of steps to know you are healthy" type of situation, as I am a firm believer that any and all movement is great. As long as you are pushing yourself and finding a movement that works best for you, then you're killing it! If at any point you feel dizzy or feeling lightheaded, please stop–listen to yourself and be careful.
Counting Steps Matter
People underestimate how great steps can be for your health and well-being. Counting steps can be great for someone reaching a goal, even if it is a daily goal of reaching a certain amount of steps in a day, this can go towards burning calories and raising the heart rate.
Your activity levels can be tracked and counting steps can show you how much you are progressing and moving forward. The more consistent you are, the farther you will go. Keep track of where you start and challenge yourself to see how many steps can you go in a certain amount of time and in another month, how many steps are you able to take now in the same amount of time?
A big reason for counting steps is seeing how it improves any health concerns. Counting your steps along with a healthy meal routine is extremely beneficial to your overall well-being.
How to Increase Your Steps
To increase the amount of steps you take a day, start small. Take extra steps to the mailbox, do an extra loop and even around the house, march in place while watching TV or cooking. You can take a walk during lunch breaks, take the longer walking route to your destination, pace back and forth while you're on the phone, and park further away from the store.
I always think that anytime you are standing still, it is an opportunity to move. Anything to keep yourself moving, adding this into your daily routine can make a big difference, so put it into your schedule and make sure you make time. Something that has helped me in the past with an extremely busy schedule is to set a timer–this is one that has helped big time, as it is so easy to lose track of time, so hearing the alarm go off to get up and get moving is a big help.
Another way to increase your daily steps is to find a partner, as there is nothing better than an accountability partner! They can push you to get going even when you do not want to. Make sure you set a goal that you want to achieve and once you reach it, set another one! The sky's the limit–you will be surprised at how far you can go when you stay consistent and trust what your body can do.