Secret Celeb Self-Care Tricks That Totally Work

Self-care—the act of promoting health and well-being for yourself, your family, and your community—has never been more important than during the pandemic. Americans reported stress levels at record highs earlier in 2021, with 47 percent experiencing feelings of anxiety. Practically everyone has had to learn new strategies to help support their well-being during this time, including, yes, celebrities.
While certain celebrity wellness tips (ahem, daily facials and juice cleanses) are hardly accessible to the average person, there are some gems out there that actually support physical and mental health without breaking the bank. Keep reading to read some tried-and-true self-care tricks from your favorite stars. And for more mental health news you can use, see here for What Happens to Your Body When You Have a Busy Job, Says Science.
Turn off your electronics before bed

It might be tempting to scroll TikTok for hours before bed, but research shows that too much screen time in the evening can disrupt your sleep cycle. That's why Gabrielle Union started "Operation Shut It Down" during the pandemic, where everyone in her house turns off all electronics in the evening before bed. "When you're just trapped in the house, for us, it's been key to have a routine," she told PopSugar in 2020, "and we didn't have one because we would all be, like, a slave to our phones and our laptops and iPads." The simple act serves as a way to give her family a "break" to sleep, she added. "It's been a massive game-changer for us." For more great ways to hack your life, make sure you're aware of What Zoom Calls Are Doing to Your Body, Say Experts.
Move for a few minutes each day

Exercise and physical activity have been linked to a myriad of benefits, including a longer lifespan, weight management support, improved mental health, and more, which is why it shouldn't be a surprise that so many celebs consider workouts essential to their self-care routines. "I always move, even for a few minutes each day," Kate Hudson told E! News in 2020. "Sometimes I'll go into a room, turn up the music and just dance. It's a great way to let loose and feel great."
Similarly, exercise is key for Kristen Bell's well-being. "Most days, I run or lift weights for at least 30 minutes," she shared with Shape in April. "But if I don't have the energy, I refuse to beat myself up. Instead, I'll do a 10-minute meditation or stretch class on YouTube to prioritize myself."
Supplement wisely

It feels like there's a vitamin out there for everything these days, but certain health-promoting supplements can be a beneficial part of one's self-care routine. That certainly has been the case for Taylor Swift. "Vitamins make me feel so much better!" she wrote for Elle in 2019.
She swears by L-theanine, which helps manage symptoms of stress and anxiety, and magnesium, which promotes muscle health, heart health, better sleep, and more. Be sure to confirm with your doctor before trying a new supplement to ensure it won't interact with any health conditions you have or medications you take. And check out this guide on other things to know before taking supplements.
Find and center your purpose

This might seem less straightforward than meditation or green smoothies, but centering her values and purpose has been crucial for Laverne Cox. "I have to say, though, when I'm engaged in work that makes me feel connected to purpose, to an energy that's bigger than me where I'm doing something of service, I feel my best," she told Health last year. Indeed, feeling a sense of purpose in life is associated with improved mood, better physical and mental well-being, and a lower risk of death.
Hack your sleep

Getting consistent, high-quality sleep is critical for your metabolism, mood, and cognitive health (among other benefits). But drifting off is easier said than done, which is why Bella Hadid swears by meditation music at bedtime. "It helps me zone out and fall asleep," she said in a Harper's Bazaar interview in 2018. Her tip is legit: According to the Sleep Foundation, listening to music before bed can help you fall asleep faster while also improving your overall quality of sleep. And for more ways to live a healthier life, don't miss The 7-Minute Walking Trick That Can Add Years to Your Life.