The Paleo diet has become more and more popular over the years, mimicking our ancient ancestors' most basic diet of vegetables, meats, fruits, and nuts. The Paleo approach is to stay low in the mainstream processed foods that have filled our grocery store shelves and stick to natural food that's free of additives. The hardest time to avoid these? Dessert! With these Paleo desserts, you get to avoid the added sugars, get full faster, and typically take in fewer carbohydrates.
The Paleo diet cuts out all grains, legumes, dairy and added sugar with the intent to get your body feeling good and your gut healthy. While a dessert that's Paleo doesn't justify indulging in a sweet treat every day, it does cut out any processed refined ingredients that are killing your waistline. Using natural ingredients like coconut sugar, coconut oil, and maple syrup (instead of white sugar) can have a major impact on your blood sugar spikes and reduce those continuous cravings that come along with them. Instead of going for those mysterious desserts, go back to a human diet and get your nutrition on with real food!
We've put together a list of Paleo desserts that are simple and easy to make that won't have you worrying about your beach body!
Serves: 9
Nutrition: 275 calories, 18 g fat, 14 saturated fat, 153 mg sodium, 30 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 24 g sugars, 4 g protein
What better way to satisfy that sweet tooth than with a super fudgy brownie that doesn't have any of those artificial ingredients you might see in a store bought version? Dark chocolate can even help you lose weight, reduce inflammation, and decrease body fat. And while you're at it, check out 30 Foods That Melt Love Handles!
Get the recipe from Jays Baking Me Crazy.
Serves: 16
Nutrition: 214 calories, 18 g fat, 12 g saturated fat, 256 mg sodium, 14 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 10 g sugars, 2 g protein
Skip the temptation of the candy aisle and go for a Twix remix with these homemade healthified candy bars. Instead of using any refined sugars, this recipe sticks strictly to maple syrup, a natural sweetener with anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.
Get the recipe from Bakerita.
Serves: 15
Nutrition: 247 calories, 18 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 84 mg sodium, 20 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 14 g sugars, 3 g protein
If you're one to dive into a container of cookie dough that never makes it to the oven, this recipe is for you! Cookie dough and fudge come together to make this guilt-free, undeniable dessert. You can forget all those processed ingredients from the store-bought brands because these are made with a base of heart-healthy cashews!
Get the recipe from Bravo for Paleo.
Serves: 8
Nutrition: 232 calories, 18 g fat, 14 g saturated fat, 166 mg sodium, 16 mg sodium, 16 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 12 g sugars, 5 g protein
Everyone loves a good donut, but this one that skips the bleached flours and frying. You can choose to add chia seeds or ground flax seed—either way, you're adding some major nutrients to your Paleo dessert.
Get the recipe from Grassfed Girl.
Serves: 1
Nutrition: 320 calories, 13 g fat, 7 g saturated fat, 204 mg sodium, 49 g carbs, 6 g fiber, 30 g sugars, 5 g protein (including toppings)
Slurp down this non-dairy milkshake that's loaded with omega-3s from chia seeds and cherries, one of summer's healthiest foods! Cherries are filled with cancer-fighting flavonoids, as well as fiber that can help digestion and keep you full.
Get the recipe from Fit Foodie Finds.
Serves: 12
Nutrition: 110 calories, 2 g fat, 0 g saturated fat, 107 mg sodium, 19 g carbs, 1 g fiber, 16 g sugars, 5 g protein
This basic recipe is far from basic in flavor! Primarily made of egg whites, this is low in calorie and high in protein. The maple, cinnamon, and almond combine it to make a meringue you won't want to miss! For more ways to melt away belly fat, check out 42 Ways to Lose 5 Inches of Belly Fat!
Get the recipe from Gourmet in the Kitchen.
Serves: 16
Nutrition: 205 calories, 10 g fat, 2 g saturated fat, 39 mg sodium, 29 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 23 g sugars, 3 g protein
No baking required for this amazingly gooey brownie that skips all the unnecessary stuff! This raw treat takes only five minutes to make and can definitely get you over those chocolate cravings without having to feel bad about it.
Get the recipe from Chocolate Covered Katie.
Serves: 8
Nutrition: 378 calories, 20 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 144 mg sodium, 48 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 37 g sugars, 5 g protein
When it comes to Paleo desserts, this one is top notch; your taste buds will go wild for this pie-turned-ice-cream that's also dairy-free! You'll use coconut cream and almond milk to make a velvety smooth consistency with a perfect crunch from the pecans. Nuts like pecans are said to help aid weight loss since they enhance satiety and boost your metabolism!
Get the recipe from Homespun Capers.
Serves: 7
Nutrition: 198 calories, 18 g fat, 12 g saturated fat, 106 mg sodium, 10 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 6 g sugars, 3 g protein (calculated with coconut sugar and ½ cup of apple)
Skip the desserts behind the counter and make your own version at home with these apple fritters. This recipe calls for apple, but you can use pretty much any fruit to fill these fritters.
Get the recipe from Forest and Fauna.
Serves: 10
Nutrition: 461 calories, 30 g fat, 16 g saturated fat, 131 mg sodium, 48 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 39 g sugars, 7 g protein (calculated with the Paleo Vanilla Bean Ice Cream)
Melted ice cream dripping down the side of your arm from a classic ice cream sandwich can really bring back some old childhood memories…along with a sugar rush, followed by an extreme crash. Instead, go for these Paleo cookie sandwiches that nix all the fake sugar. We choose the simple Paleo Vanilla Bean Ice Cream but there are two other delicious choices if you're feeling like some extra flavor!
Get the recipe from Clean Eating With A Dirty Mind.
Serves: 12
Nutrition: 179 calories, 13.9 g fat, n/a saturated fat, n/a sodium, 13.7 g carbs, 2.6 g fiber, 7.7 g sugars, 3.3 g protein
You had us at "chocolate chunk." Pair these healthified cookies with a glass of almond milk for a night cap that you won't be regretting the next morning!
Get the recipe from Ambitious Kitchen.
Serves: 14
Nutrition: 187 calories, 14 g fat, 7 g saturated fat, 64 mg sodium, 17 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 13 g sugars, 2 g protein
This is the perfect post-dinner treat to satisfy all those cravings without having to feel any late night guilt. Make a whole batch of them and keep them in the fridge for when you get the hankering, it's an easy way to avoid the artificial additives and keep your belly in check.
Get the recipe from Food Faith Fitness.
Serves: 12
Nutrition: 172 calories, 5 g fat, 5 g saturated fat, 205 mg sodium, 20 g carbs, 0 g fiber, 9 g sugars, 12 g protein (calculated with coconut cream)
Sink your teeth into this oh-so-light-and-fluffy Paleo dessert. After looking at the calories, this one is hard to pass up. It doesn't rely on processed white sugar and can be made using either maple syrup or coconut sugar to give it that sweet touch!
Get the recipe from Deliciously Organic.
These donut holes do not add to your waistline, so they're are a definite win in our books! Make sure you stick to the coconut sugar in this recipe to keep it completely Paleo-friendly. Coconut sugar is derived naturally from the sap of a coconut palm tree. Unlike a white table sugar that has a glycemic index of 65, coconut sugar has a much lower glycemic index of 35.
Serves: 15
Nutrition: 180 calories, 11 g fat, 7 g saturated fat, 172 mg sodium, 18 g carbs, 2 g fiber, 13 g sugars. 4 g protein (calculated with coconut oil and coconut sugar)
Get the recipe from Texanerin.

Serves: 6
Nutrition: 283 calories, 22 g fat, 16 g saturated fat, 65 mg sodium, 21 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 14 g sugars, 7 g protein
Almond + coconut = a winning duo on all levels. Almonds and coconut are both filled with unsaturated fat to keep your waist whittled and your hunger satisfied. Plus, they're sweetened with honey, a natural sugar made from the nectar of flowers rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.
Get the recipe from Paleo Leap.
Serves: 8
Nutrition: 200 calories, 19 g fat, 14 g saturated fat, 230 mg sodium, 24 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 19 g sugars, 6 g protein
Carrot cake may sound like it's healthy, but it's usually loaded with fake sugar and fat. For a more nutritious spin on the classic, try out this Nut-Free Paleo Carrot Cake sweetened with honey and the natural flavors from carrots!
Get the recipe from Elana's Pantry.
Serves: 8
Nutrition: 276 calories, 18 g fat, 9 g saturated fat, 0 mg sodium, 33 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 26 g sugars, 4 g protein
It only takes two ingredients to make these famous candy copycats, almond butter and chocolate. This duo is one heavenly combo you just can't pass up. Use a dark chocolate that only has a few ingredients, or make sure you stick to one that is 70% cacao or more!
Get the recipe from Healing and Eating.
Serves: 10
Nutrition: 340 calories, 20 g fat, 9 g saturated fat, 71 mg sodium, 40 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 28 g sugars, 5 g protein
Give your Paleo desserts lineup a refreshing and tangy touch! Instead of using dairy, it's made with a base of cashews and coconut milk with an almond-date crust. The calories may seem a little high, but it's strictly from natural fats that actually help you lose weight rather than put it on!
Get the recipe from Paleo Grubs.
Serves: 10
Nutrition: 193 calories, 16 g fat, 6 g saturated fat, 156 mg sodium, 9 g carbs, 3 g fiber, 4 g sugars, 6 g protein
Forget those boxed vanilla cakes and go for one that is free of gluten, dairy, and refined sugars! Honey and vanilla are a combo you can't compete with, perfect for any birthday, anniversary or just an after dinner treat.
Get the recipe from Honestly Nourished.
Serves: 12
Nutrition: 333 calories, 27 g fat, 12 g saturated fat, 332 mg sodium, 21 g carbs, 4 g fiber, 2 g sugars, 6 g protein
Blueberry pie is a sneaky culprit that sounds healthful but is often filled with way too much white sugar and not enough nutrients. Instead, skip the blood spike and indulge in this rich and tart treat that'll whittle your waistline!
Get the recipe from Wicked Spatula.