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Living Here Cuts Your Monthly Sleep By 8 Hours, New Survey Says

If you live here, don't be surprised if you spend your evenings tossing and turning.

There are few things more enjoyable than curling up in your own bed for a good night's rest. And while you likely know that everything from your caffeine intake to your stress level can affect how well—and how long—you rest at night, there's one surprising factor that may be contributing to your poor sleep: where you live.

However, it's not just noisy urban centers that could be wreaking havoc on your sleep habits. Read on to discover which living environment could be reducing your sleep by over eight hours a month, according to a new survey. And if you want to improve your wellbeing in a hurry, check out The One Vitamin Doctors Are Urging Everyone to Take Right Now.

Suburbanites sleep eight hours less per month than the average.

modern blue house with front lawn in suburbs
Shutterstock / Breadmaker

While you may have moved to a suburban area to avoid the hustle and bustle of the city, those quiet cul-de-sacs and tree-lined streets may not be providing you the relaxing and restful sleep you want.

According to a new survey from The Sleep Judge, which surveyed 1,055 adults, compared to the average seven hours of sleep reported by most study participants, people living in suburban areas logged an average of 8.4 fewer hours of sleep than their urban, rural, or small-town counterparts.

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Your family structure may also play a role in the amount of sleep you get.

Busy Family Home With Mother Working As Father Prepares Meal

It's no secret that having a newborn or young child may result in significant changes in your sleep cycle. However, the number of kids you have may play a significant role in how much rest you get per night, too. The Sleep Judge's study found that the more children a person has, the less likely they were to get a full night's sleep.

While child-free individuals reported getting an average of 7.01 hours of nightly sleep, parents with one child got an average of 6.95 hours of nightly sleep, and individuals with two or more children got an average of 6.87 hours of sleep per night.

A consistent sleep schedule was associated with greater sleep quality.

man sleeping soundly in bed
Shutterstock / Syda Productions

Being a creature of habit when it comes to your bedtime routine may pay dividends as far as the quality of your sleep is concerned.

Among the respondents to The Sleep Judge's survey, 47% rated their sleep as "good." However, among those who called their sleep schedule "very consistent," this number jumped to 76%.

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A lack of sleep was linked to multiple mental health and mood issues.

Woman looking into distance.

If you've ever found yourself feeling worse for wear after a poor night's sleep, you're not alone.

The Sleep Judge's survey found that 44% of individuals who said they experienced poor sleep also had four or more days of anxiety per week, while just 36% of those who reported having good quality sleep said the same of themselves.

If you want to improve your sleep, check out these 7 Diet Changes You Can Make Now to Sleep Better Tonight, and for the latest healthy living news delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter!

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Sarah Crow
Sarah Crow was a senior editor at Eat This, Not That!, where she focuses on celebrity news and health coverage. Read more about Sarah
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