The Most Popular Secret Starbucks Menu Items in Every State
Everyone loves a good "secret menu." The friendly staff at joints like In-n-Out, Chipotle, Popeyes, and even McDonald's, can concoct items that aren't listed as a main menu offering but are within reach thanks to a clever permutation of existing ingredients. But arguably no chain in America has a more popular and robust secret menu than Starbucks, and few if any brands have a fanbase so enamored with their off-menu options.
In fact, some "secret menu" items at Starbucks have become so popular they ended up being officially added to the menu. Whereas for years Starbucks baristas had to scrape together the ingredients for the secret Pink Drink whenever it was ordered, in 2017, nodding to overwhelming customer demand and a surge of viral popularity online, the drink made its way to Starbucks locations nationwide.
To figure out America's favorite Starbucks customizations, the team from Workshopedia dug through some Google data from a time period spanning an entire year. Here are their findings on the most popular secret menu items by state. For more, check out This State Is the Most Obsessed With Starbucks, Data Reveals.
Pink Drink—A Favorite in 20 States

As it happens, the most popular Starbucks secret menu drink in America is the one that started it all: the famous and not-secret-anymore Pink Drink. It was the clear winner and the top pick across 20 states: Arizona, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Hawaii, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. What's in this elixir that makes it so popular? Primarily some fruit juice concentrates, coconut milk, and freeze-dried strawberries, among other things.
"This delicious and refreshing drink is a celebration of our customers' and baristas' creativity and is just one of the 170,000 ways we craft beverages to meet each person's unique taste preferences," the company said of the concoction.
Dirty Chai Latte—A Favorite in Six States

Travel to Arizona, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, or North Carolina, and you'll be in Dirty Chai Latte territory, proving that these popular secret menu drinks really aren't defined by geography at all. The drink is a blend of Chai Latte, which is milk, water, and Chai tea concentrate, and a shot (or two) of espresso for extra zing.
Dragon Frappuccino—A Favorite in Alabama, Nevada, and Oklahoma

The so-called Starbucks Dragon Frappuccino is, according to StarbucksSecretMenu, a Green Tea Frappuccino with added vanilla bean powder, a swirl of syrup, some whipped cream, sprinkles, and a touch of coconut syrup. And it's the top secret menu pick in Alabama, Nevada, and Oklahoma.
Baby Yoda Frappuccino—A Favorite in Michigan and Pennsylvania

The Baby Yoda Frappuccino is the top pick in Michigan and Pennsylvania, and it consists of a Matcha Green Tea Frappuccino with whipped cream, caramel ribbon crunchies, and caramel drizzle on top.
Birthday Cake Frappuccino—A Favorite in Kentucky and Nebraska

The secret Birthday Cake Frappuccino, a creamy blend of vanilla bean and hazelnut, topped with pink whipped cream, is the most popular secret drink in Kentucky and Nebraska.
Blue Drink—The Pick In Arkansas and Vermont
Many a state loves its Pink Drink, but Arkansas and Vermont love their secret Blue Drink instead. It consists of passion iced tea mixed with vanilla syrup and soy milk.
Cotton Candy Frappuccino—A Favorite in Maryland and Minnesota

The Cotton Candy Frappuccino is the top pick in Maryland and Minnesota. It simply consists of a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino with added raspberry syrup.
Orange Drink—The Top Choice in Washington and West Virginia
See a color theme here? Orange Drink is the best-kept secret in Washington and West Virginia, and it is made with a half sweet black tea lemonade, half peach tea and an added a splash of soy milk over ice.
Red Velvet Frappuccino—A Favorite in Ohio and Virginia

Beloved in Ohio and Virginia, the Red Velvet Frappuccino is made by blending a half white and a half regular mocha Frappuccino and then adding raspberry syrup, blending, and then topping the drink with whipped cream.
Pumpkin Cheesecake Frappuccino—A Favorite in Oregon and Tennessee

A Pumpkin Cheesecake Frappuccino may sound seasonal, but it's the outright go-to secret Starbucks drink in Oregon and Tennessee, even if it can only be had during colder months. It consists of a Pumpkin Spice Frappuccino with added cinnamon dolce syrup, vanilla bean powder, and white mocha syrup.
S'mores Frappuccino—The Top Pick in Florida and Illinois

In Florida and Illinois, it's all about the S'mores Frap when going off-menu at Starbucks. This dessert-drink hybrid will, however, sometimes make regional appearances as a limited-time addition. It's made with ice, milk, coffee, marshmallow whipped cream, milk chocolate sauce, vanilla syrup, and a graham cracker topping.
Cookies and Cream Frappuccino—A Favorite in Texas

The Cookies and Cream Frappuccino is the pick in Texas. It is made by adding white mocha sauce and chocolate whipped cream to the top of a Double Chocolate Frappuccino.
Mermaid Frappuccino—A Favorite in Louisiana

In Louisiana, the Mermaid Frappuccino is the top secret drink. It's basically a Vanilla Bean Frappuccino dressed up with freeze-dried blackberries, a drizzle made with green matcha and syrup, and topped with whipped cream.
Purple Drink—The Top Pick In Wisconsin

In Wisconsin, the Purple Drink holds sway over the Pink, Blue, and Orange. It's a blend of Passion Iced Tea, vanilla syrup, soymilk, and blackberries.
Tiramisu Frappuccino—A Favorite in New York

New Yorkers love their sweets, apparently, as the Tiramisu Frappuccino is the leader there. It's made with a basic Frappuccino that gets the royal addition of four kinds of syrup (hazelnut, mocha, toffeenut, and caramel), espresso, and whipped cream.
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