The Most Popular Beer in Every State

Whether you like to crack open a PBR on the weekends or regularly sample craft beers at your local breweries, beer is an undeniably beloved beverage. In fact, according to a recent report from the World Health Organization, U.S. residents drink more beer than any other type of alcoholic beverage, consuming an average of 28.2 gallons of brew each year.
However, not all beers are created equal when it comes to popularity. The TOP Data Beer Report reveals the most popular beer in every state in the continental U.S., from imported ales to local brews. Read on to discover which beer was voted the most popular in your state. And for more of America's favorites, The Most Popular Cheap Beer in Every State.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
The most popular beer in Alabama is none other than Budweiser, which first hit the market 145 years ago. The beer, originally produced in St. Louis, Missouri, was created in an attempt to mimic the Czech beers Anheuser-Busch co-founder Adolphus Busch was fond of.

Most popular beer: Dos Equis
It's not just the Most Interesting Man in the World who favors Dos Equis. The Mexican-born beer was also voted the most popular beer in Arizona and cracked the top five in Alabama, Tennessee, and Texas.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Like Alabama, Budweiser earned top marks in Arkansas. In fact, Bud is so popular in the Southern state that Bud Light earned the number two spot among Arkansas residents.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Budweiser and Bud Light may have earned the number one and two spots in California, but a local beer was among the state's favorites. Sierra Nevada, a Chico-born beer named after the mountain range that runs parts of the western U.S., took the number five spot in the Golden State.

Most popular beer: Denver Beer Co.
Colorado certainly showed some hometown pride with its favorite brews. In addition to Denver Beer Co. being voted the state's favorite beer, Colorado-born Coors Light earned the state's number five spot.

Most popular beer: Bud Light
While Connecticut is home to many beloved breweries, like 30 Mile Brewing Company and Stony Creek Brewery, it was none other than Bud Light that earned the state's highest praise.
Most popular beer: Dogfish Head
Delaware residents sure know how to support their local businesses! Milton, Delaware-based Dogfish Head was voted the state's most beloved beer.

Most popular beer: Stella
Belgian-born Stella is Florida's most beloved beer. However, the state's residents have quite a fondness for the King of Beers, too, with Bud Light and Budweiser earning the second and third spots, respectively.

Most popular beer: Terrapin
Georgians are solid supporters of their local brewers. According to TOP Data's report, Athens, Georgia-based Terrapin is the Peach State's favorite beer.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser and Bud Light were ranked first and second among beer drinkers in Idaho, the state's residents do have a soft spot for a local brew. Idaho-based Grand Teton earned fifth place among the state's favorite beers.

Most popular beer: Goose Island
Illinois residents are big fans of their hometown brew, Goose Island. The company, which was founded in Chicago, is named after a small artificial island between the city's Cabrini-Green, Noble Square, and River West neighborhoods.

Most popular beer: Miller Lite
Indiana's favorite beer is none other than Miller Lite, with Bud Light and Budweiser earning the state's number two and number three spots, respectively.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser earned top marks in Iowa, a local favorite numbered in the state's top five, too. Toppling Goliath, from Decorah, Iowa-based Toppling Goliath Brewing Co., scored the number two spot.

Most popular beer: Coors Light
Coors Light earned top marks in Kansas, with Budweiser and Bud Light scoring the number two and three spots, respectively. However, two imported ales also numbered among the state's top five: Stella, at number four, and Corona Extra, at number five.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Want to make friends at a local watering hole in Kentucky? All it takes is ordering a round of Budweisers for the bar, according to TOP Data's research.
Most popular beer: Abita
Hometown pride elevated Covington, Louisiana-based Abita to the top of the heap in the Pelican State, followed by Bud Light, Heineken, Budweiser, and Stella.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser may be the most popular beer among Mainers, a local favorite was hot on its heels. Allagash White, produced in Portland, Maine, earned second place.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Maryland is undeniably Budweiser country. The beer maker's classic brew earned the state's highest praise, while Bud Light nabbed second place.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Sorry, Sam Adams! The Bay State's most popular beer is none other than Budweiser—and not a single local brew cracked the top five.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
U.S.-made beers earned four out of the top five spots among Michiganders, with Budweiser coming in the first place. However, in second was none other than Dutch import Heineken.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
After Budweiser, its top pick, Minnesota is a solidly light beer state. Bud Light, Miller Lite, and Coors Light took the second, third, and fourth spots, with Heineken rounding out the state's top five.

Most popular beer: Lazy Magnolia
If you've never had a Lazy Magnolia beer, you must not be from Mississippi. The local beer earned the state's top honors, followed by Budweiser.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Missouri residents sure do like their American beers. Budweiser earned the state's top spot, followed by Bud Light and Coors Light.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser and Coors Light are the two most popular beers in Montana, local brew Big Sky Moose earned third place.

Most popular beer: Nebraska Black Betty
Local pride runs deep among beer lovers in the Cornhusker State. Nebraskans' favorite beer is none other than Nebraska Black Betty, produced by the Nebraska Brewing Company.

Most popular beer: Coors Light
While the Sierra Nevada may be the most famous mountain range running through Nevada, it seems like the state's residents are eager to "tap the Rockies," since Coors Light is the state's most beloved brew.
New Hampshire

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While New Hampshire is home to beloved brewery Smuttynose, it was none other than Budweiser that earned top marks in the Granite State.
New Jersey

Most popular beer: Miller Lite
Three light beers earned top marks in the Garden State. Miller Lite earned top praise, with Bud Light and Coors Light taking the number four and five spots.
New Mexico

Most popular beer: La Cumbre
New Mexico's favorite beer was none other than local brew La Cumbre, from the Albuquerque-based brewery of the same name.
New York

Most popular beer: Budweiser
New York is full of Budweiser fans, it would seem. Budweiser and Bud Light took the Empire State's number one and number two spots, respectively.
North Carolina

Most popular beer: Bud Light
While Bud Light may have earned top marks in North Carolina, a smaller brewery was hot on its heels. Colorado-born New Belgium earned the number two spot in the state.
North Dakota

Most popular beer: Fargo
North Dakota's most populous city and most popular beer share a name: Fargo!
Most popular beer: Heineken
Ohio was one of three states that called Heineken its favorite beer.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser, Stella, and Bud Light took the top three spots in Oklahoma, local craft beer Prairie earned the number four spot.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Oregon may be a haven for craft beer lovers, but none of the state's local breweries cracked the top five. Instead, Budweiser, Heineken, Stella, Coors Light, and Bud Light were the state's five most popular beers.

Most popular beer: Bud Light
While Yuengling may be the most famous beer made in Pennsylvania, it didn't even number among the top five most popular beers in the state. Instead, it was Bud Light that earned Pennsylvania's top spot.
Rhode Island

Most popular beer: Narragansett
Local beer Narragansett was Rhode Island's most popular brew, followed by Bud Light, Budweiser, Heineken, and Stella.
South Carolina

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser may be South Carolina's most popular beer, local brew Westbrook took the state's number three spot.
South Dakota

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Budweiser and Bud Light are South Dakota's most beloved beers. However, local beer Crow Peak earned the state's number three rank.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Which beer gets a perfect ten in Tennessee? None other than Budweiser, the most popular beer in the country, according to TOP Data's ranking.
Most popular beer: Lone Star
The Lone Star state sure loves its local beer. While Lone Star beer is owned by Pabst Blue Ribbon, its headquarters are in San Antonio.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
While Budweiser is the most popular beer in Utah, a local favorite came close behind. Uinta Cutthroat, called a "Utah classic" by its manufacturer, earned the state's number two spot.

Most popular beer: Bud Light
Bud Light and Budweiser earned the number one and three spots on the list of Vermont's most popular beers. However, a local favorite, Alchemist, nabbed the number two rank.

Most popular beer: Budweiser
Virginia's most popular local breweries, like Blue Mountain Brewery and Caboose Brewing, didn't have any brews rank among the state's top five most popular beers. Instead, Budweiser, Bud Light, Heineken, Stella, and Coors Light earned top marks.

Most popular beer: Bud Light
Two light beers earned the top two spots in Washington State: Bud Light and Coors Light. Budweiser, Heineken, and Stella rounded out the top five.
West Virginia

Most popular beer: Budweiser
As is true in many other states, Budweiser is the most popular beer in West Virginia, with Bud Light, Coors Light, Heineken, and Pabst Blue Ribbon rounding out the top five.

Most popular beer: Spotted Cow
Produced by New Glarus, Wisconsin-based New Glarus Brewing Company, Spotted Cow is the most popular beer in the Badger State.

Most popular beer: Snake River
Jackson, Wyoming-based Snake River is Wyoming's most popular beer. However, the other beers that made the top five were pretty familiar fare: Bud Light, Budweiser, Guinness, and Miller Lite.