Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton's Sleep Routines—Revealed
Crafting the perfect sleep routine that works for you is so important when it comes to consistently getting enough shuteye. Of course, in today's fast-paced high-tech world, sculpting a calm, relaxing way to end your days (and start your mornings) can be harder to accomplish than it sounds.
For instance, tens of millions of people habitually wind down each night by binge-watching their favorite TV shows and movies. Well, this research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine tells us that's a pretty poor way to prepare for bed. Study authors report watching TV before bed is associated with both poor sleep quality and full-blown insomnia.
Moreover, you may have noticed over the past two years that your usual sleeping routine just isn't getting the job done anymore. Sleep difficulties due to all of the stress and uncertainty brought on by COVID-19 have been a near-universal experience during this pandemic. COVID-related insomnia even has its own name: Coronasomnia.
This recent global study published in Sleep Health spanning 79 countries reports close to three in five people worldwide have dealt with more sleep problems than usual during the pandemic. So, at the very least, take comfort in knowing you're far from alone the next time you find yourself staring at your bedroom ceiling at 4 AM.
While it's true that misery loves company, it's still a good idea to start creating a new and improved sleep routine that will help you drift off to dreamland serenely and wake up in the morning refreshed and ready to tackle the day. After all, lack of sleep will cause a lot more health problems than grogginess. Research tells us that sustained inadequate sleep patterns are linked to both heart disease and depression, among a litany of other concerns.
If you're looking for new suggestions on how to create a better sleep routine, look no further than the United Kingdom's royal family. Wellness company Royal CBD recently researched the sleep routines of Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, and Queen Elizabeth. Life can be pretty stressful as a Queen or Duchess, so if these tips work for them, why not try out a few for yourself? And next, don't miss The One Major Secret to Living to 95, According to Queen Elizabeth.
Meghan Markle's 3 keys to sleep success

The Duchess of Sussex is a habitual early riser, usually getting up each morning around 4:15 AM! That may sound excessive, but consider the amazing jump you'll get on the day's chores by getting started so early. Even better, you'll be exhausted and ready to fall asleep quickly when it's time for bed.
After waking up, Meghan Markle starts each day with a yoga session, setting the tone for a productive, centered day. "The morning, as we all know, is that vital time that sets the tone for our day ahead," The Duchess once wrote on her now-defunct lifestyle blog, The Tig.
Finally, she resists the urge to indulge in coffee and caffeine throughout the day, and instead, opts for green juice. "It's easy to fall into the trap of rushing for a coffee when you hit that 4 PM slump. I blend some apple, kale, spinach, lemon, and ginger in my Vitamix in the morning, and I always find that sipping on that is a much better boost than a cup of espresso," she wrote for Today in a 2012 blog post.
In summation, Meghan Markle maintains a healthy sleep schedule by waking up early, performing some yoga each morning, and avoiding caffeine.
Related: 5 Major Benefits of Doing Yoga Every Day, Says Science
Consistency works for the Duchess of Cambridge

Kate Middleton's sleep routine prioritizes consistency to ensure healthy sleep patterns. The Duchess of Cambridge always prepares dinner for herself and her family around 6 PM, and habitually heads to bed each night at 10:30 PM. This schedule, combined with a steady daily regimen of exercise and clean eating, promotes strong sleep hygiene.
Speaking of consistent exercise, every morning Kate either goes for a run or takes the family dog for a walk. In fact, she'll often take up to three walks per day. With all that exercise, it's no wonder why she sleeps soundly at night.
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Tea and champagne do the trick for the Queen

The reign of Queen Elizabeth II has stretched on for nearly seven decades. Clearly, Her Majesty is doing something right. When it comes time to unwind after a long royal day, the Queen starts with a nice cup of Earl Grey (what else?) tea. It's well documented that some tea can be relaxing, and warm beverages, in general, promote tiredness.
From there, she usually eats dinner alone. While this may sound curious at first, a solitary meal is a great way to take a breath and forget all about the stressors of that particular day.
Finally, Queen Elizabeth will bring a single glass of champagne with her to bed, according to her cousin, the late Margaret Rhodes. It's never a good idea to drink a lot of alcohol before bed, but just one glass is enough to promote relaxation without incurring any unwanted sleep-disrupting side effects.
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