Longevity Secrets Of The Oldest People In The World

Many of us have secrets we keep to ourselves throughout the years, but some of them are just too good not to share. For instance, how has one woman in France lived a full life to the ripe age of 122? For some individuals, it has to do with genetics, some may happen to be very lucky in health and life, but others seem to have their own methods. Today, we're taking an inside look at the longevity secrets of the oldest people in the world.
Eden's Gate, a premium CBD oil, health, and wellness store located in the UK provides products that offer a healthier, happier life for their clientele. The company researched individuals who hold records for being some of the oldest living in the entire world. The research includes their ages, where they live (or lived), and the longevity secrets of the oldest people in the world. Read on to learn more of these fascinating, long-living individuals, according to Eden's Gate's findings. And next, be sure to check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.
Jeanne Louise Calment, 122 years of age; loved port wine and chocolate

It seems like Jeanne Louise Calment lived an unbelievably long life. In fact, according to Eden's Gate, it's noteworthy to mention that Calment was reportedly the only individual to live over 120 years of age, and apparently, she was the oldest person in the entire world.
Calment lived in Arles, France, and as per Eden's Gate, she was born into wealth, experienced a great childhood, and started living a healthy, active lifestyle very early on. Interestingly, her immediate family also lived beyond average ages.
Because Calment was born into financial stability, she did not have to pursue a full-time job. On the contrary, she was able to embrace fun activities such as roller-skating, swimming, biking, tennis, opera, and piano. Her active lifestyle continued when she reached 100 years of age.
Calment's secret to her longevity? For one thing, she gave up smoking at 120. Other than that, her fountain of youth came from chocolate, port, and olive oil. (And we can certainly appreciate a nice glass of quality port!)
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Kane Tanaka, 119 years of age; keeps her mind active

Although high life expectancy rates are a bit more common in Japan, Tanaka is currently the oldest individual alive in the entire world. In January, she will turn 120, and the fact that she has experienced five imperial reigns in Japan is extraordinary and goes beyond all world records.
Tanaka resides in a nursing home and lives her days having fun with board games and puzzles with staff. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 restrictions have limited family visits.
What else keeps Tanaka young? She's a major fan of chocolate and fizzy drinks. Her secret is keeping an active mind, and she does so by starting her days at 6 a.m., prior to studying mathematics and such. Now how's that for inspiration?
Jiroemon Kimura, 116 years of age; lived by the motto, "Eat light to live long"

Kimura has apparently been recorded as the oldest man in the world and passed away at 116 years old in 2013. He was employed by his local post office, and after retirement, Kimura assisted his son on his farm. He would get an early start in the morning, read the newspaper, enjoy watching parliamentary debates on TV, eat small portions … and the best part? He was surrounded by a ton of family, including grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren as well!
Kimura's secret to a long life? Kimura lived by the motto, "Eat light to live long." He also had a positive attitude throughout his entire life.
Saturnino de la Fuente García, 112 years of age; stayed positive

Although García passed away this past January, his entire life, he resided in the same Spanish province until he passed at 112 years old. Garcia was one of the founders of the Puente Castro Football Club and then took on the job of a shoemaker. He also had eight children, and believe it or not, he survived a tragic incident when an airplane crashed right into his house.
Garcia's secret to longevity? He felt it had everything to do with his constant state of staying positive, noting it's important "not to get angry and keep a smile on your face."
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Julio Cesar Mora Tapia and Waldramina Maclovia Quinteros Reyes, combined age of 214; credit their marital success to "love, maturity, and mutual respect"

Okay, just warning you, this one is a beautiful, heartwarming story that may bring tears of happiness to your eyes—so grab the tissues. Tapia and Reyes are recorded as being the world's oldest living couple.
Married for an unbelievable 79 years together, these lovebirds reached a combined age of 214 years. They found each other in their 20s when they were both teachers. Like a Romeo and Juliet love story, disapproving family members prompted them to marry secretly. They credit their marital success to "love, maturity, and mutual respect."
Tapia had dementia and died at home in 2020. Reyes still resides in Ecuador. She enjoys spending time with her loved ones at the theatre and movies, enjoys big family meals, and grows plants. Need more tissues?