The 5 Highest-Paid Celeb Personal Trainers on Instagram

Did you know that roughly one billion people log onto Instagram each month? Applied on a global scale, that means among a collection of eight individuals anywhere in the world, chances are at least one is scrolling and liking posts. Moreover, once one starts browsing hashtags, it's fairly difficult to stop. This survey of over 500 smartphone users reports just under 60% can't help but check Instagram more than 10 times per day!
While Instagram's popularity is undeniable, it's actual effect on habitual users is still up for debate. For instance, fitness and exercise-related topics are some of the most common on the platform. There's no shortage of exercise plans, motivational posts, and fitness "hacks," posted on Instagram every hour of every day.
Many argue that the world of fitness experts, influencers, and personal trainers on Instagram do far more harm than good for the average person scrolling through posts. This research published in the journal Body Image supports such a view. Researchers conclude that many fitness posts on Instagram intended to motivate actually produce feelings of low self-esteem and a poorer overall body image among users, particularly younger women.
To be fair, however, not all scientific research on Instagram and exercise is negative. This study published in Frontiers in Psychology reports viewing motivational fitness posts on Instagram can indeed make workouts more enjoyable. Study authors separated participants into two groups. Both groups followed the same exercise routine for a month, but only one group had to follow a motivational fitness account on Instagram as well.
"Participants who followed the account postings developed more positive feelings related to their training. The other participants didn't," notes study author Professor Frode Stenseng. Perhaps the key to reaping truly beneficial exercise rewards from Instagram is to limit one's time on the platform. Subjects assigned to the Instagram group reported only looking at the motivational posts for a few moments each day.
How Instagram influences subsequent exercise attitudes and decisions likely fluctuates from person to person. Some may enjoy viewing fitness posts each day to get motivated, while others are probably better served staying off their phone.
Make no mistake, though: For the numerous fitness influencers active on Instagram, posting is far more than a hobby. Fitness may be healthy and fun, but when it comes to Instagram it's also financial. Depending on follower counts, popularity, engagement, sponsorships, etc, fitness influencers and personal trainers can generate six-figure incomes from their Instagram accounts.
OriGym recently assessed the highest-earning celebrity personal trainers on Instagram according to follower count, celebrity clientele, average annual posts, and engagement statistics. Incredibly, the highest paid trainers are likely clearing well above one million dollars earned annually! Read on to learn more about the five highest paid celebrity personal trainers. And next, don't miss Secret Exercise Tricks for Getting a Lean Body After 30.
Jono Castano
Earning an average of $4,000 per post, Rebel Wilson's personal trainer Jono Castano holds the number five position on this list. Also the personal trainer of English celebrity Charlotte Crosby, Mr. Castano boasts 708,000 Instagram followers. Over the past year Mr. Castano has posted to Instagram 269 times, leading researchers to estimate he likely earned a cool one million dollars last year.
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Jeanette Jenkins
Personal trainer Jeanette Jenkins' client roster features some major celebrity names such as Pink and Kelly Rowland, so perhaps it makes some sense she earns $5,100 per Instagram post. Her account is currently followed by 904,000 users, and the research estimates she made around $1.4 million dollars over the past 12 months thanks to 285 posts.
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Danielle Peazer
Dancer and personal trainer Danielle Peazer's Instagram account is followed by 1.1 million people, and generates an astounding $6,300 per post. Known for training Little Mix's Perrie Edwards and Jade Thirlwall, Ms. Peazer posted to Instagram 220 times over the past 12 months, producing an estimated revenue of $1.3 million.
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Melissa Alcantara
Fitness coach and published author Melissa Alcantara is Kim Kardashian's personal trainer, and earns $6,300 per Instagram post. Her account, featuring 1.1 million followers, posted 105 times over the past year (notably less often than other trainers on this list), earning an estimated $678,000.
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Ross Dickerson
When Dwayne Johnson comes to you for fitness guidance, it's safe to say you're doing something right. Ross Dickerson, personal trainer to The Rock, is both the highest earning per post and most active fitness influencer on this list. Mr. Dickerson's account is followed by 2.8 million users, and earns an unbelievable $15,000 per post. With 556 posts over the last 12 months, Mr. Dickerson likely earned well over eight million ($8.4 million, to be exact) last year.
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