One Major Side Effect of Eating a Big Breakfast, Says Science

If you're looking to lose weight, you probably think you have to change your diet, start a strict workout plan, or at least eat all the right foods. Even though all of these methods could jumpstart your weight loss efforts, it could definitely be a whole lot easier. It's likely you don't associate eating more food with losing weight, but if you eat a bigger breakfast in the morning, you could start dropping pounds fast. Dropping those pesky pounds is one of the major side effects of eating a big breakfast on the regular!
Here's why you absolutely need to dig into that bowl of peanut butter overnight oats or whip up an omelet—if you're into the savory. And for even more healthy tips, be sure to check out our list of 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
Big breakfasts get your metabolism going.
You're probably wondering how this is possible—we can explain. It has a lot to do with our metabolism. By starting off your day with a big breakfast, you're revving up your metabolism, which allows you to continue burning calories as the day goes on.
A 2020 study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that the participants who consumed a high-calorie breakfast and a low-calorie dinner metabolized their food faster than those who ate a low-calorie breakfast followed by a high-calorie dinner. The researchers were able to measure the participants' metabolisms through the body's diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT). They found that even with identical calorie consumption, those who had a bigger breakfast had a 2.5 times higher DIT than the other participants. That's a big deal when it comes to weight loss.
Big breakfasts curb your hunger.
The researchers also found that those who ate a higher calorie breakfast were less likely to snack throughout the day—just another reason that a big breakfast could lead to significant weight loss. Those who ate lower-calorie breakfasts were hungry sooner and ultimately ate more snacks.
So, if you're looking for some suggestions to start your morning off on the right foot, we've got some tips for that, too. It's important to pack your breakfast with foods that are high in protein and fiber, and low in unhealthy fats. Some examples could be Greek yogurt with berries and granola, oatmeal with apples and peanut butter, flaxseed pancakes, or a protein-packed smoothie. The options are endless.
The moral of the story? Make sure you're making time for your breakfast every day if you're looking to lose weight because apparently there's a lot of truth to the term "breakfast is the most important meal of the day."