What Happened to This One Costco Fan Will Warm Your Heart

Thousands of Americans are currently struggling with unemployment, and one dad from Michigan shared a similar misfortune—he was laid off during the pandemic. As things started to return to normal, the man, whose name is Jeff, wanted nothing more than to get back to work and enlisted the help of his daughter Rebecca to fix his resume.
But Rebecca went a step further. She took to Twitter to document their conversation and revealed her dad's dream job would be to work at Costco.
my dad has been laid off due to covid and now that he's vaccinated he's itching to go back to work, so i told him i'd help him with his resume. i asked him where he wants to work, and he said, SO earnestly, "costco seems like a nice place" i'm gonna cry lol
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) May 6, 2021
Besides sprucing up his resume, Rebecca even tweaked her dad's old-fashioned email address to something more eye-catching.
he's had the same email since before i was born and it is painfully dad-like and cannot go on a resume so i am making him a new one. i was teasing him and said i was going to make his email "pleasehiremydad @ gmail" and he goes "hey, that'd get my attention!" i'm–
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) May 6, 2021
Then she went on to explain why her dad is basically an ideal employee—she put him on Costco's radar and described his sunny disposition and nacho-making abilities.
he is but a constantly cheerful man, extremely good at making nachos, who merely dreams of working for costco.
costco ik ur not on twitter but if you see this please don't let him down my dad is very nice. look at how proud he is. pic.twitter.com/wIrmW1LxoH
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) May 6, 2021
Related: 7 Products Flying Off Costco Shelves Right Now
After the original tweet gained thousands of likes and retweets, people started following Jeff's story. Luckily, it ended up catching the eye of a manager from a local Costco warehouse who messaged Rebecca about her dad.
GUYS OH MY GOD???????????? pic.twitter.com/ofW1jXtTyV
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) May 19, 2021
He sent in an application, was hired, and promptly started working at his favorite retailer! But no one knew who the new guy was until he told them.
apparently everyone has been trying to figure out what michigan store "the twitter guy" got hired at and my dad didn't tell anyone so only the hiring manager knew lol. he was like "i guess i better add twitter guy to my badge!" and then started telling me about stocking boxes lol
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) June 10, 2021
As it turns out, Costco's CEO Craig Jelinek (who famously said the price of the hot dog + soda combo at the food court will never go up) may have helped with getting Jeff his new job, according to TODAY. In addition to the manager mentioning him in the direct message, Rebecca thanked Jelinek in a Tweet, adding that the head of the company found her story on Twitter.
In the end, it seems that no matter how it happened, Jeff is simply happy to be working, and that's all Rebecca can ask for.
once again i tried to explain to him how bonkers this is, he gave a really long pause and said, "ah…yeah… i don't care! but i'm having fun! everyone here is so nice. some lady said i had nice arms."
i'm glad he's happy, lol. that's all that matters.
— rebecca mix, proud daughter of a costco employee (@mixbecca) June 10, 2021
Hundreds of congratulations came pouring in after Rebecca shared the entire story in real-time, including one from a publisher named Lauren Wolfe, whose dad had a similar experience with Walmart.
All I can say is that Walmart was the only place that would hire a man his age, despite his 40-yr sales career & intelligence. So, for that, I'm grateful. He has been socially connected & stayed physics strong. Now he gets to retire w me in Seattle 🙂 2/2
— Lauren Wolfe (@Wolfe321) June 9, 2021
Other people shared their happy experiences working for Costco, wishing Jeff luck.
I'm so happy for you both- Costco was one of my first jobs and even though I really like my work, I often miss working at Costco. Lots of my coworkers had been there for more than 10 years because it is a great place to work. Maybe he'll get to make pizzas for them!
— Mariah Ferraz (@MariahFerraz) June 9, 2021
I was undecided about renewing my membership and this pushed me to do it. Congratulations to your Dad. I hope he enjoys it and they treat him well.
— Dr. Stephannie Roy, PhD (@DocSteph) June 9, 2021
Costco is the best! I hope you dad enjoys working there as much as I enjoy shopping there. Which is to say a lot.
— Julie Fredrickson (@AlmostMedia) June 9, 2021
If you're headed to the warehouse soon, here are 11 Costco Finds That Will Upgrade Any Summer Cookout. And to get all the latest Costco news delivered right to your email inbox every day, sign up for our newsletter!