5 Most Popular Products At Costco Right Now

Because Costco's warehouses are the ultimate destination to stock up on household staples, some products sell out quickly—even when we're not in the middle of a pandemic.
To avoid surprises on your next grocery shopping trip, we've assembled all of these items in one place. Don't worry: Toilet paper, disinfecting wipes, and bucatini aren't included!
And for more on groceries in short supply, here are the Grocery Shortages To Expect in 2021, According to Experts.

Costco Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti recently revealed that the warehouse is struggling to keep up with the high demand for this breakfast staple. "Bacon is up 45% in pounds," he reportedly said on a call with investors. "For whatever reason, there is a lot of demand there, so there is a little bit of a challenge."
According to Fox Business, pork prices are currently high for several reasons: an illness impacting herds in Iowa and Minnesota; the African swine fever in China; and rising inflation as the economy recovers from the pandemic.
It's unclear if this means that Costco customers will have to pay more for bacon or not. In the meantime, here are 55 Cheap Costco Buys That Make the Membership Worth It.
Chocolate Chunk Cookies

A 24-pack of these bakery favorites was recently on sale for $1.50 off through Sunday, March 7. The lower price of $6.49 meant fans only paid a little over a quarter for each cookie.
But low-prices alone shouldn't necessarily be an excuse to indulge. The ingredient list features some not-so-appetizing additives like artificial flavors and various oils. With 24 in one pack, they're at least great for sharing!
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Novo Shamrock Ravioli

You're in luck! Costco is currently selling a St. Patrick's Day treat with minimal sugar and festive ingredients. Pasta, of course, is Italian, but don't worry—the Nuovo Shamrock Ravioli is filled with an assortment of cheeses. It has creamy white cheddar, parmesan cheese, shredded mozzarella, velvet ricotta, and most importantly, Irish aged cheddar.
The 2.5-pound packs were recently spotted by Instagrammer @costcohotfinds for only $9.99. Though cheap, fun, and quick to cook—this pasta is ready in just three minutes!—you may want to limit how often you indulge in it.
Cinnamon Pull-A-Part

Last fall, Costco said its Cinnamon Pull-A-Part would never return to the bakery section of the warehouse. But it's a new year, and Instagram sleuths have already spotted it at their neighborhood locations.
Like the chocolate chunk cookies, this 12-piece treat is loaded with sugar. If that's not your journey, you can try this Healthy Cinnamon Roll Overnight Oats recipe instead.
Rotisserie Chicken

In 2020, Costco opened a chicken processing plant, hatchery, and feed mill in Fremont. Neb. It also sold more than 101 million for $4.99. In fact, the price has remained unchanged since 2009. On any given trip to the warehouse, don't be surprised to see empty heaters where chickens should be. Listen closely for the sound of a bell, because that means a new batch is ready! For more on this iconic Costco favorite, here are 13 Amazing Facts About Costco's Rotisserie Chicken.