The Best Workout Tips for Fat Loss, According to Celeb Trainers

Working out may allow you to shed some pounds, but it doesn't guarantee that you'll lose fat. That is, unless you're performing workout moves geared toward blasting fat.
The secret to getting results is to reach about 75-90% maximum effort during your workout so your body will enter the fat-burning zone, according to Ashley Joi, CPT, and one of Chris Hemsworth's expert trainers for his fitness and wellness app, Centr.
"Putting your heart rate at that level forces your body to adapt to the demands of the workout and pushes your metabolic response," Joi tells Eat This, Not That!. "You can get to this level with all styles of workouts, whether it's HIIT, strength, or boxing."
The best part? You don't even have to work out for long periods of time in order to see results.
"A strength session doesn't need to be super long to be effective and to blast fat," Joi adds. "Mind-body connection is the most important aspect of training, whatever your goals are. Like my favorite quote, if your mind is not
there, and it doesn't believe that you can achieve something, your body is not going to follow."
Ready to believe in yourself? Good—now, here are the tools you need to scorch fat during your next workout. Then, don't miss 15 Underrated Weight Loss Tips That Actually Work.
Best workout moves for fat loss
"When it comes to fat burning, full-body workouts are key. The more muscle that fires up to move or support the body, the more energy that is used to fuel the workout," says Michael Olijade Jr., who's known for his boxing-inspired HIIT workouts on Centr. "Good shadow boxing relies on the calves, glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings, and core all working to build a stable platform from which your boxing combinations can be launched."
What's more? You can engage in a solid shadow boxing workout right in the comfort of your own home—and with barely any equipment.
Below, you'll find three types of shadow boxing from Olijade, plus two strength exercises from Joi that are key to blasting fat.
Orthodox Flurry Uppercuts

"Throwing fast, repeated uppercuts switches your abdominal muscles on and keeps them on," Olijade says. "Even a short bout of uppercuts should have your abs feeling tight and your shoulders burning."
Southpaw R-LR Jab + 4 Count Build

"Switching your stance to southpaw is important to make sure you're stressing both sides of the body equally," Olijade says. "When throwing this combination, focus on using your whole body to propel your fists forward."
V-Slip (Under)

"In the ring, V-Slips are the most important exercise to practice if you don't want to take a hit," Olijade says. "In the gym, they are one of the best exercises to work the glutes, hamstrings, quads, lower back, and abdominals."
You can follow along at home with the videos for all three moves here.
Dead lifts

"If you don't have weights you can use bands for these, they're going to hit your glutes, which is a big muscle area," Joi says.
Push ups with renegade row

"Adding a row to the pushup means you're hitting your arms, chest, and shoulders all at once for an awesome compound move," Joi says.
What to fuel your body with after a workout
Both Joi and Olijade replenish their bodies with nutrient-dense foods immediately after a workout is complete.
"I believe in eating real food, whole foods, lots of nutrients. I love vegetables … I also don't mind a smoothie," Joi says. "I love a peanut butter chocolate smoothie—that's my favorite."
Olijade says he steers clear of processed food options as often as possible in order to stay energized for his workouts.
"I try to not eat artificial foods and all the rest of that," he says. "I'll eat meat and vegetables, and eggs."
For more, be sure to check out 8 Worst Workout Habits If You're Trying to Lose Weight.