This Is the #1 Drive-Thru City in America, New Data Shows

With cases of the Omicron variant surging nationwide, it may be time to once again seek shelter in the comfort of drive-thrus, safely isolated in your car during everyday pursuits like grabbing takeout or catching the latest Hollywood blockbuster. And never leaving your car may be especially convenient if you live in America's #1 drive-thru city—or any of the top five, really.
For more, check out This Is Exactly How Long It Takes To Get Angry at the Fast-Food Drive-Thru.
According to recent data published by Chrysler Capital, some cities are just made for those who love drive-thrus because they provide unparalleled access to drive-thru restaurants, drive-in theaters, and gas stations. These cities are also generally convenient for drivers—they have low overall traffic congestion and plenty of gas stations to avoid waiting in long lines.
Based on Chrysler Capital's survey of these factors that contribute to drive-thru convenience, here are the top five drive-thru cities in America right now.
Las Vegas

The City of Sin is apparently a paradise when it comes to drive-thru convenience. With more than 300 drive-thru restaurants, several drive-in theaters, and more than 100 gas stations, drivers are sure to have an easy time staying in their vehicles safely.

Phoenix has an impressive 400+ drive-thru restaurants—and is a perfect place for fast-food fans. Add to that more than 100 gas stations and low traffic congestion, and it's easy to see why the Arizona capital made this list.

Not only does Louisville have plenty of drive-thru restaurants and gas stations, but it also boasts more than 10 drive-in movie theaters, so dinner and a movie isn't an impossible date night scenario while still staying safe from coronavirus.
San Antonio

The second-largest city in Texas has hundreds of drive-thru restaurants, but also has the best access to gas stations out of any American city.

Indianapolis takes the cake as America's best drive-thru metropolis. It boasts more than 150 drive-thru restaurants, more than 15 drive-in theaters, and more than 100 gas stations. It's easy to enjoy a car-bound life in the Indiana capital!
For more fast-food news, check out 8 Worst Fast-Food Burgers to Stay Away From Right Now.