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5 AM Workouts Are the Hot Trend for Burning Fat and Losing Weight

Are you ready to join the 5 a.m. club?

Many people are of the mindset that performing their exercise routine first thing in the morning is the most efficient—and it makes perfect sense! Working out is a biggie to check off of your to-do list, and it really gets your blood pumping and energizes you to start a brand new day. There's even a current trend sweeping through TikTok where fitness enthusiasts are sharing their 5 a.m. workouts, and we're here for the hype. The videos are a great source of tips, motivation, and inspiration.

One TikToker posted how she preps the night before for her 5 a.m. workouts, while Payton, CPT, shared her favorite 5 a.m. pre-workout snack (sourdough toast, Greek yogurt, and blueberries). Another user reveals she started waking up at 5 a.m. to work out and has made so much progress, captioning her video, "10/10 recommend #addicted #GymTok #5amclub."

Are you ready to join the 5 a.m. club? Read on to learn more about this fitness trend and why 5 a.m workouts are getting so much hype from TikTokers. And next up, don't miss The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

People are seeking to "maximize their productivity" with early-morning routines

making protein shake

Eat This Not That! chatted with Natalie Kollars, Exos Performance Specialist at the Phoenix, AZ facility, to discuss the benefits of performing early morning workouts. Kollars shares with us, "Getting up early in the morning is hard, but not impossible to accomplish!" She adds, "After two years of hitting snooze and being lethargic, people are looking to maximize their productivity. 5 a.m. morning routines have over 6.2M views on TikTok with users sharing their mindful mornings from an early workout, wellness books, and tips on making your routine stick."

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Training at 5 a.m. increases the rate your body torches calories throughout the day

man doing intense workout on air bike to lose spare tire fat

Although training as early as 5 a.m. can be pretty tough, there are many physical and mental health benefits. Kollars advises, "Mentally, it sets the tone for your whole day. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, releases endorphins, and increases dopamine and serotonin levels, which are the 'feel good' hormones. Physically, it boosts your metabolism, increasing the rate at which your body burns calories for the rest of the day."

So before you hit your snooze button, consider all of the healthy goodness you can derive in the early morning hours instead of sleeping in. Your body and mind will seriously thank you.

Consistency is king

friends working out together in the gym and high fiving

It's important to remember that although getting up at 5 a.m. to get in your workout, consistency is king when it comes to any exercise regimen. It's vital to have a regular routine so your body can adapt to it. It will allow you to form strong habits and accomplish your overall fitness goals.

The easiest way to be consistent is to have a plan in place that you follow for the specific days that you work out. One day may be dedicated to strength training, while another may be cardio. It can be helpful to keep an exercise journal to track your progress. In just about no time at all, you will start to see results.

Interestingly, when you want something to become routine, you need to do it for 68 days consecutively. Of course, your body needs breaks to recover in between exercising, but to make working out part of your lifestyle, there's no time like the present to kick off a solid pattern. First thing each morning sounds like a great time to start!

Related: Get Rid of a Pot Belly With These Quick Cardio Fixes, Says Trainer

Choose total-body movements for your workouts

woman performing weighted dumbbell squats as part of 5 a.m. workouts

When it comes to specific early-morning workouts for burning fat and losing weight, Kollars suggests choosing total-body exercises. She explains, "These include squats, deadlifts, push-ups, lunges, bench presses, pull-ups, etc. Also, be sure to always prioritize exercise technique, and choose a weight that is challenging but doable for each exercise." We'll be there at 5 am tomorrow, and hope you are, too!

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is a content strategist, editor, and writer based in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has 11+ years of experience creating content for travel, lifestyle, fitness, wellness, F&B, home, and celeb news publications. Read more about Alexa
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