5 Pizza Toppings Americans Love Most in New Survey—and 1 They Hate

The toppings you choose for your pizza say more about you than you might think—there's a reason people are so passionate about what works, and which toppings have no place on a pie (am I the only person who doesn't loathe pineapple?). A new study from Casinos.com breaks down what the top favorite pizza toppings are across the nation, analyzing search data to discover what Americans love on their slice. Here are the top pizza toppings in the U.S., from least to best rated.
Chicken, Mushroom, and Pineapple

Chicken, mushroom, and pineapple all tie for fifth place, which seems a bit unfair on the chicken and mushroom—do they really belong with pineapple in the least favorite spot? Hawaiians love the pineapple and dislike the mushrooms, while Delaware is the only state that likes chicken best. "Mushrooms are only the official favorite in one state, with Oklahoma the lone advocate for the fifth-placed fungi," says Casinos.com.

Only New Mexico and South Carolina say peppers are their favorite topping. The rest of the country doesn't have particularly strong feelings about them either way, neither loving nor hating the vegetable. According to Casinos.com, "Americans would quite happily accept peppers on a pizza, but would be unlikely to make a special request for them."

Sausage comes in at number 3, taking the top spot in Georgia, Montana, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. The only states that really don't appreciate sausage on their pizza are Rhode Island, Delaware, Vermont, and Hawaii.

Bacon is a big hit with Americans, who appreciate a bit of crispy, savory crunch on their pizzas. "A humble choice that's the favored topping in 11 different US states, including, perhaps peculiarly, the entirety of New England, with Massachusetts and Co. particular advocates for the porky pick," says Casinos.com.

Americans can't get enough of pepperoni, which comes in as the number one choice for pizza toppings across the nation. "Perhaps unsurprisingly, considering its prominence and versatility, the classic and beloved pepperoni is the most popular pizza topping, taking gold in an incredible 29 different states," says Casinos.com. Who doesn't like pepperoni? Rhode Island, apparently, which ranks it below ground beef, chicken, and peppers.
The Least Favorite Toppings, Including the One They Hate the Most

Americans rank anchovies as the worst pizza topping, putting the salty little fish at the bottom of the list. Onions, olives, and jalapeños, basil, and tomatoes are also given the thumbs-down from pizza lovers across the nation. New Jersey disliked anchovies the least; something fishy's going on there.