Fight the Middle-Aged Spread With This Free Weights Workout

Many individuals approach their middle-aged stage of life carrying a little too much weight around their waistlines. This may be due to the fact that they're less physically active, don't follow the healthiest of eating patterns, or a combination of both. But don't fret, because we're here to fight the middle-aged spread with this free weights workout. Staying active and sticking to a healthy diet full of fresh veggies and lean protein are two of the best habits you can follow.
According to the Mayo Clinic Proceedings, many women commonly experience weight gain and excess fat in the midsection when they approach midlife. Too much belly fat is linked to substantial risks to your metabolic health, such as dyslipidemia, dysglycemia, hypertension, mood disorders, and even heart disease. We can't stress this enough: In order to achieve a trim waistline and stay in good health, regular exercise is imperative.
Throughout life, strength training should be one of your best friends. Sticking to a solid strength routine as you grow older, however, becomes more important than ever before. By sculpting muscle tissue through strength training, you can drop the extra pounds, according to Beaumont Health. The greater amount of muscle mass in your body, the greater your metabolic rate will be. In addition, having more muscle aids in torching a higher amount of fat over muscle. This is key if your goal is weight loss and maintaining strength as you age.
In order to fight the middle-aged spread, you should lift at least two to three times every week, with an emphasis on total-body workouts. When it comes to exercise and equipment selection, choose a variety of free weights, including barbells, dumbbells, and kettlebells. That way, you'll receive the benefits of each tool and cover all your bases. Below is a productive workout you can do that incorporates all three free weights.
Kettlebell Goblet Squats

Kick things off with Kettlebell Goblet Squats. Hold a kettlebell up by your heart's center, making sure you're standing up tall. Activate your core muscles, hinge your hips back, and lower down into a squat. Once you've hit parallel, push yourself back up through your heels as you flex your glutes and quads to finish the motion. Perform three sets of 10 reps.
Kettlebell See-Saw Press

Next up, we have the Kettlebell See-Saw Press. Grab a set of kettlebells, and hold them up in the rack position. Keep your core tight and chest tall as you press one kettlebell up to the sky, flexing your shoulder and tricep hard once you reach the top. Lower the kettlebell back down, and repeat the movement with your other arm. Alternate back and forth until you finished all prescribed reps. Perform three sets of eight reps for each arm.
Barbell Reverse Lunges

To set up for this exercise, position a barbell on your upper back—not your neck. Keep your core tight and chest tall as you step one leg back into a lunge. Then, drive through your front foot's heel to push yourself back up, flexing your quad and glute to finish the motion. Perform three sets of 10 reps for each leg.
Dumbbell Pronated Row

The Dumbbell Pronated Row starts by planting your arm on a workout bench. Keep your core tight and your chest tall. With a dumbbell in your other hand, drive it back toward your body, keeping your elbow flared out. Squeeze your upper back and rear delt hard at the top of the movement, then resist on the way back down. Get a solid stretch at the bottom before performing another rep. Perform three sets of 10 reps for each arm.
Landmine Rotations

Last but not least, you'll work with a barbell for Landmine Rotations. Use both hands to grip the end of the barbell, holding it out in front of you with your feet shoulder-width distance apart. Keep your core tight, and rotate the bar towards one side of your body while pivoting both feet in that direction. Leading with your hips and shoulders, rotate the bar to the opposite side, all while maintaining tension in your core. Perform three sets of 10 reps for each side.