Fight Signs of Aging With This Simple Lymphatic Massage, Expert Says

If looking younger and getting rid of any puffiness you may have in your face sounds like a dream, it's really not. A lymphatic face massage is an amazing service you can consider—and you can even do it in the comfort of your own home! This kind of treatment can improve your facial circulation. Read on to learn all about the best lymphatic drainage facial massage you can do to fight signs of aging now. And next up, don't miss The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.
Lymphatic drainage restores vibrancy and brightness to a dull complexion and decreases eye puffiness

We reached out to Dr. Ritu Chopra, MS, MD, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Solvasa Co-Founder to learn the skincare and overall health benefits of adding a lymphatic facial massage to your regular routine. Dr. Chopra explains what the treatment actually does, and it's pretty cool.
"As a standalone treatment, lymphatic drainage is about breaking up lymphatic congestion to help flush toxins from the skin. This supports skin's natural resilience to stress, so virtually everybody benefits," he says. What can you expect to see? Well, this is the exciting part. You will see vibrancy, and restored brightness to dull skin. Losing puffiness around your eyes will be quite noticeable as well.
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Combined with vibrational massaging and serums, you can effectively fight signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines

With the combination of lymphatic drainage, serums for treatment, and vibrational massage, you can treat lines, wrinkles, and other signs of puffiness significantly. Dr. Chopra tells us, "Vibrational massage also supports microcirculation to draw nutrients to the skin and even stimulates the release of endorphins for additional feel-good benefits."
As far as wrinkles and lines on your face are concerned, muscle tension release is beneficial in lowering any noticeable wrinkles. This will be significantly noticed surrounding "the elevens" which is the glabellar area.
An at-home treatment should be made into a regular morning or evening self-care regimen

You can learn to do this treatment on your own, but Dr. Chopra advises a home procedure won't generate the same high intensity you would receive during a med-spa procedure. If you do decide to try it at home, he suggests making it a regular morning or evening self-care routine.
"Commit to doing it for 21 days so that it becomes a habit. It only takes three minutes and if you use the Solvasa Crystal Energy Wand you get the benefits of both the lymphatic drainage and vibrational therapy," he says. Make certain you use a good amount of pressure, and never deviate from moving in the same direction, which is towards your lymph nodes.
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Choosing just the right massage appliance and pairing it with a good serum is key

You can view Dr. Chopra's video here. He advises, "Coupling the massage appliance with a serum will provide the additional cosmetic benefits as the serum allows the appliance or stone to glide across the skin." It's likely a professional aesthetician will use her fingers when performing facial lymphatic drainage, but there's a cosmetic tool made specifically for this kind of procedure.
Make certain that the tool doesn't tug or harm the skin. Stay away from using rollers, as because they're typically designed for moving back and forth. As mentioned previously, It's imperative to do the procedure in the same direction. "You can use a gua sha stone, but an appliance that vibrates provides additional benefits and is generally easier and more enjoyable to use," Dr. Chopra concludes.