Kaley Cuoco Slimming Secrets

You think you feel awkward about your body; imagine if 25 million people were watching it every week. That's how many Americans tune into Big Bang Theory, and part of the reason is Kaley Cuoco, 31, who stars as Penny Hofstadter, the show's voice of reason. Playing an aspiring actress and pharma rep—not to mention love interest for Leonard— means she has to stay fit and toned, so Eat This, Not That! rounded up her top tips for staying slim. Here's how the star of #1 show on television stays #1. And to discover no-sacrifice ways to melt fat, don't miss these amazing 30 No-Diet Diet Tricks.
She Gave Up Soda
Cuoco's first step toward slimming down was cleaning out the fridge. "Our refrigerator and pantry have completely changed, because we don't eat crap anymore," she told Shape. "No more soda, chips, cereal; we had boxes of stuff that only a 4-year-old would eat." Good call: even diet soda can make you fat. Find out how in our essential report, The 70 Most Popular Sodas—Ranked By How Toxic They Are.
She Does Yoga
"Doing yoga five times a week has transformed my body," she told Shape. "I love being toned and having muscle; it's so sexy and beautiful. And I owe it 100 percent to yoga. I go to a place called CorePower Yoga. One morning I'll take the Hot Power Fusion class, which is an amazing calorie burner. Or I'll take a Yoga Sculpt class, where we wear three-pound weights during yoga moves. The sculpt classes include 20 seconds of mountain climbing or jumping jacks between the poses, so I get cardio, too."
…Even When She Doesn't Want To
"Sometimes do I want to get up in the morning and do it?" she told Women's Health about her exercise routine. "No. But when I get out, I feel like a million bucks."
She Has Cheat Days
"I have to have a cheat day. I know when I'm being good all week long that come Sunday, I'm going to lie by the pool, have a drink, and eat some pizza," she told Shape. "Then I wake up on Monday morning and I'm all ready to start the week again. I'm just going to be in a bad mood all the time if there's no light at the end of the tunnel." Another favorite: In-and-Out Grilled Cheese.
She Went Nuts
"All I ate was like, almonds for so long. I was so hungry," she said on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. "Egg whites, almonds, air."
She's Committed for Life
"It doesn't sound like a lot, but I lost six pounds in the last three months," she told Shape. That's a whole jeans size, and we all know how good that feels! I'm the type of girl who's always had to buy jeans in three sizes because I never know what my body is going to do from one day to the next. Everything, from the inside out, has completely changed for me. And now, when I look into the mirror and see the positive changes, I don't want to go back to what I was doing."
She Snacks Smart
"When I wake up, I have the same little bit of peanut butter on toast every morning," she told Women's Health. She enjoys salmon and veggies, too, but "No more meat, I'm like, done," she told the magazine.
She's Realistic
"Bottom line is, you know, I'm not 21 anymore," she told Women's Health. "It used to be so easy, I didn't have to do as much. Now, it's part of my day—working out is part of my day, eating right is part of my day." And to blast fat even faster, don't miss these essential 55 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism.