Instant Pot Two-Layered Creamy Pumpkin Yogurt

This Instant Pot recipe was inspired by a name-brand pumpkin yogurt that costs more for one serving than it does to purchase all the ingredients to make this recipe several times over. The yogurt magically separates into two distinct layers during incubation, creating a beautiful pumpkin layer on the bottom, topped with a spiced yogurt on top.
For even more Instant Pot ideas, be sure to check out our list of 30+ Healthy Instant Pot Recipes.
This recipe is excerpted from The "I Love My Instant Pot®" Cooking for One Recipe Book by Lisa Childs. Copyright © 2021 by Simon & Schuster, Inc. Photographs by James Stefiuk. Used with permission of the publisher, Adams Media, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. All rights reserved.
Serves 1
You'll Need
3/4 cup ultra-pasteurized whole milk
1/4 tsp yogurt starter, such as store-bought plain yogurt
1 Tbsp sugar
1/8 tsp vanilla extract
1 1/2 Tbsps pumpkin puree
1/16 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 cup water
How to Make It
- In an 8-ounce Mason jar or ramekin, mix all ingredients except water very thoroughly. Cover with plastic wrap or foil.
- Pour water into Instant Pot® and add the trivet. Place jar on the trivet.
- Close the lid; turn the knob to Venting.
- Press the Yogurt button and adjust to Normal. Adjust time to 6 hours.
- When the yogurt cycle has completed, the display will read "YOGT." Remove the lid and remove the jar from the Instant Pot®. Cover the jar with plastic wrap or the jar lid and then transfer to the refrigerator. Chill overnight, then serve.
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