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Here's Exactly How To Start Your "Plogging" Workout Journey Today

There's no better time than the present to get up and active in your community.

If you haven't started "plogging" yet, then what are you waiting for? There's no better time than the present to get up and active in your local town or city. This healthy "feel good all over in more ways than one" kind of workout is sweeping communities across the globe—and for very good reason. It's a way to incorporate exercise (aka jogging) into your daily regimen, all while you're cleaning up the Earth one jog at a time. It's safe to say, this exercise is an overall winner.

Many towns, cities, businesses, groups, and communities around the world have joined in on the goodness and planned fundraisers and fun events to bring this much-needed positive effort to new heights. Some towns and cities even post plogging events on their official websites, and kudos to them for joining this passionate, upbeat effort.

Hillsborough, New Jersey previously posted on its town website, "Plogging is a great way to help the environment while improving your own health. In fact, plogging burns about 22% more calories than jogging alone. Residents are encouraged to form their own plogging group to keep the movement going. So, grab your running shoes, a trash bag, and a couple of pairs of disposable gloves, and head out into your neighborhood, or anywhere you like to jog, walk or exercise."

And the town of Hillsborough is not the only spot on the planet shaking things up. Italy just completed round two of a huge, two-part plogging effort in the towns of Valdobbiadene, Pordenone, and Cagliari, according to Italy24news. The purpose of the plogging tour was to portray hope and unity for the environment. And according to the Delhi-Hindustan Times, officials in Delhi, India are considering implementing efforts to help make India clean and green. In addition to suggesting paper, cloth, and reusable bags, they also may propose plogging as another positive measure.

This constructive worldwide effort to encourage this healthy cardio/clean-up routine is on point. So, we put together a list of ways you can get started on your own plogging journey ASAP. There are initiatives going on all across the world, so put on your motivation cap! If you're not sure what to do on any given block of time, it's always a great idea to pick a location you've always wanted to visit and, well, get your plogging on solo, with family, co-workers, or with your favorite people. Read on to learn more, and next, check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

Take a cue from these two ploggers who are making serious waves, and document your journey along the way

woman in fitness attire poses with trash bags while plogging

Get motivated by Vancouver, Canada's very own David Papineau, who documents his plogging journey on social media. He also takes note of the amount of trash he picks up in a spreadsheet. Papineau has made an impressive effort to clean up Vancouver in the healthiest way, one plogging plan at a time. According to Canadian Running, Papineau's goal is to pick 30,000 face masks off the streets by the end March 2022.

Horse enthusiast Lindsay Buck, from Oxfordshire County, England, does plogging numerous times during each week of the year. Buck takes on Scafell Pike, the tallest peak in all of England, while gathering trash. And that's not a quick a jaunt—Buck bikes 16 miles round-trip to and from the base, but also climbs up and back down Scafell Pike via foot, which is an additional five miles. The 61-year-old returns with the trash she gathered along the way in her bike basket.

Related: What "Plogging" Does To Your Body Makes It Such An Effective Workout

Check with your town and surrounding communities for plogging groups

happy group of friends plogging

Friends of Mianus River Park, a group based in Fairfield County, Connecticut, meets every month for "plikes," the name they gave their plogging escapades. On the first Tuesday of each month, this group runs for approximately 2 hours, during which time they explore the trails less traveled while cleaning up the area. If it happens to rain, the dedicated group does not cancel—they push it to the following week. Consider joining Friends of Mianus if you live in close proximity (you can keep track of upcoming "plikes" on their Facebook page), or contemplate starting your own community group.

You don't even need to be a jogger or sign up for a specific event in order to start plogging

woman jogging to pick up trash, plogging

Plogging is something that can be easily worked into your regular exercise routine. Whether you walk, jog, or run, the concept really is cleaning Mother Earth while you are getting healthy exercise. All you need to start is a trash bag, a pair of gloves for safety, and a good pair of jogging sneakers. "[And be sure to get] the proper footwear, and map out your route where you'll be plogging around," Tim Liu, CSCS, Precision Nutrition Certified Coach tells us.

Then, you'll be well on your way to start picking up trash along your route! There are amazing trails and parks all over the world. You can try someplace new, or simply continue going the route you always take. "Pick a place in your area where you can get in at least a mile loop or have some hills to challenge your body," Liu says.

Related: "Plogging" Will Be Your New Favorite Exercise To Do Outdoors

Stay on the lookout for events that will take place on or around Earth Day

senior couple collecting trash while plogging

Earth Day 2022 is Friday, April 22. We expect that many organizations and towns may plan specific plogging events on Earth Day to demonstrate their support for protecting our world's environment and keeping it as clean as we can.

Now is the perfect time to ponder initiating a plogging movement in your own community, together with your favorite people. It's the best kind of way to spend your free time.

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is a content strategist, editor, and writer based in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has 11+ years of experience creating content for travel, lifestyle, fitness, wellness, F&B, home, and celeb news publications. Read more about Alexa
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