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3 Ways to Eat the Avocado Pit

Get ambitious with your avocado leftovers and you'll reap the rewards!

Eating the tasty green meat but throwing away the giant avocado pit is a lot like going for a jog, but always doing so for the same amount of time; you're missing out on chances to amp up the weight loss burn!

Thanks to its oleic-acid content (which boosts your metabolism), noshing on the mighty green fruit can help shrink your waist. But eating the meat and the pit may bolster your results. How? The pit is filled with four nutrients that have been shown to support total health, fitness recovery, and weight loss: calcium, soluble fiber, magnesium, and potassium. And once you (carefully) crush the seed with a meat mallet and grind it in the blender, there are numerous tasty ways to eat it. Below are three super-easy ways to try it and here are 30 best ever avocado recipes on Instagram to give you plenty of chances!

Make a Smoothie

The easiest way to consume an avocado seed is through a straw. To make a smoothie with the oft-overlooked superfood, combine two apples, a peeled lemon, half a banana, a half-cup of spinach, ginger to taste, and half of the ground avocado seed.

We found the best smoothie recipes for weight loss.

Whip Up Some Mole

mole sauce

The taste of an avocado seed is a perfect ingredient to balance spicy mole recipes. Since the pit is quite bitter and has a strong flavor, we suggest using no more than one ground pit per batch.

Brew a Cup of Tea

avocado tea

Use a tea infuser and throw large chunks of chopped avocado pit inside (a pulverized seed will seep out through the holes). Toss the infuser into a mug and then pour boiling water over it. Since avocado seeds are more bitter, you may need to add a bit of sweetener or honey to make your drink more palatable.


Dana Leigh Smith
Dana has written for Women's Health, Prevention, Reader's Digest, and countless other publications. Read more about Dana Leigh
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