7 Ways Goldie Hawn Stays Slim at 70

Kate Hudson isn't the only one in her family that has a rockin' bod! Her mother, Goldie Hawn, was just recently spotted strutting her stuff on the beach in Oahu, Hawaii, looking trimmer than ever. Why should you care? Because we have her stay slim secrets! Read on to discover how 70-year-old Hawn maintains her perpetually perfect figure so you can follow in her footsteps.
Green Juice
Get this: Goldie reportedly sips veggie-based drinks multiple times a day! Not only does it keep her skin glowy and practically flawless (the woman is seven decades old and her skin radiates), it's also a great way to keep hydrated. And not to mention, receive a fantastic detox. To steal Goldie's look, juice one apple some and flaxseed oil with a bunch of kale, spinach, celery, cucumber, and parsley. And yes, you can stick to just one juice a day as a snack—there's absolutely no need to drown yourself in green juice on your quest for a trimmer body.
Walk Every Day
Sleep for an extra 30 minutes or get up and smell the roses? Be like Goldie and hit the trails or the sidewalks of suburbia (depending on where you are stationed) and get those arms pumping. A pre-breakfast walk is exactly what you need to awaken your body from a restful night's slumber and get your metabolism roaring. The 70-year-old actress insists on setting aside time to do this simple exercise every day and you should too! Studies have shown that you are likely to scorch 80 calories for every 20 minutes you walk—not too bad for a low-impact movement! And for even more ways to rev your metabolism, check out these 55 Best-Ever Ways to Boost Your Metabolism!
In the words of Nike, "Just Do it!" Lace up those running shoes and hit the pavement, grass, or treadmill. It doesn't really matter where you go, just get out there and break a sweat because this exercise is not only an effective way to lose weight, it also helps you keep the pounds off. Blasting an average of eight to ten calories per minute (yes, we said minute!), running is a great way to clear your mind, release some endorphins, and sculpt a mega-toned body. It's no wonder why Goldie looks so fit, she melts off any sight of excess fat by regularly incorporating running into her workout routine!
Let's be honest, we don't all have an hour to devote to exercise every…single…day. And neither does Goldie! If she is short for time, (ya know, like a normal human being) she busts out 15 minutes of intervals—something you can do without a gym membership. All you need is a pair of running shoes and a watch to get you through this brief, belly fat-blasting routine: Walk for a minute, jog for a minute, sprint for a minute, and repeat! That's the routine behind Goldie's success. Why does it work? When you go switch into high gear during a sprint, your body needs to work twice as hard to preserve the oxygen in your muscles because. In turn, they have to expend additional energy (read: calories) to recruit other chemicals within the body to get you through those intense periods.
Practice Mindful Eating
Slow down there tiger, this isn't a race. Making yourself aware of the food that you're shoveling in your mouth is the first step of practicing mindful eating. The second step is to, well, stop shoveling food in your mouth. Rather, savor the food that you're eating by taking slow, meaningful bites. Taste that quinoa like you have never tasted it before! Goldie's wellbeing specialist, Akcelina Cvjetic, says that the more you listen to your body when it's full, the more you will be able to differentiate between emotional eating and genuine hunger, which, over time, can help you lose weight—and keep it off for years to come. For even more ways to trim down like a Hollywood star, check out these 20 Easy Ways to Lose Weight Like a Celebrity!
She Makes Simple, Healthy Meals
"I eat healthily, but I'm not a vegetarian. I like to cook, and I tend to make those one-pot meat dishes," says Hawn. It's no wonder she's so trim, throwing healthy things like veggies, lean meats, and grains into one pot is an easy way to eat nutritious balanced meals. And the easier it is to stick to a diet plan, the more likely you'll be to do it. To follow Goldie's lead, give these 20 One Pot Dinner Recipes For Weight Loss a try.
Channel your inner Buddha, get the body of your dreams. Cvjetic emphasizes the significance of tuning into your innermost thoughts to achieve optimal emotional balance. In simpler terms, it is important to find peace within your mind so you don't feel frantic and stressed 24/7. Not only does stress increase the body's production of cortisol, the stress hormone, which has been shown to cause fat storage, it also tends to lure us toward sugary, starchy snacks. (Think about it, no one reaches for an apple when they're frazzled.) And that's not the best move for someone trying to stay slim. Adapt Goldie's thirst for solace and take 10 minutes out of your morning and evening to clear your head and practice deep breathing.