In a Winter Workout Rut? Add These Habits to Your Routine, Expert Says

Winter brings on quite a few changes. Some of them are truly the heart of the season, like enjoying the first snowfall or streaming Netflix while sitting in front of a roaring fire, but the cold weather may also cause you to be in a winter workout rut. When temperatures drop below freezing, it can require a bit more motivation than normal to bundle up and get out there to get your sweat on.
Despite it feeling like a huge hurdle to jump over to get your body moving in the dead of winter, getting back into working out this winter is so beneficial. That's why we asked Jen Widerstrom, celebrity trainer and Pikmin Bloom expert, for some steps that you can seamlessly incorporate into your regimen that will help you can get back on your fitness track in no time. After all, spring will be here before you know it, so it's important to break out of your cold weather slump and start getting into shape now!
It's time to trade in your hot cocoa (with whipped cream and a peppermint stick) for some free weights, and you can thank us this spring. Once you get started, you'll feel like you never skipped a beat in your wellness routine in just a few weeks. Breaks are good, but getting back on track is even better. Add these expert-backed habits to your routine, and next, check out these 3 Perfect At-Home Exercises To Build Muscle, Trainer Reveals.
Be accountable and consistent.

Widerstrom advises, "Accountability is king when it comes to winter workout consistency, so the greatest tool you should utilize is the buddy system." She recommends teaming up with a trainer, co-worker, or family member to get started again so you have someone to hold you accountable.
Face it: If you walk every day after work with a friend, you're less likely to make an excuse and skip your steps. You can even get a walking app which makes it so easy to challenge yourself and make achievable goals to work toward.
Getting back on track now is easier than starting over in the spring.
It's so important to realize that the winter season is not a break from losing weight or skipping workouts. It's actually the worst thing to do, and Widerstrom says it like it is: "Starting over in the spring—it's just too hard!"
Now is the perfect time to get a jumpstart and make strides ahead of all your friends who are in winter mode. Those who stay inactive through the cold months will not be in a great position when shorts and bathing suit season gets close.
It's actually easier to burn calories in the cold temps.

Winter workouts are so darned good. In fact, according to the National Personal Training Institute, you can actually torch more calories outside in cold temps than exercising inside the gym. Your body has to work harder to warm your temp. It also means your heart, lungs, and circulatory system work harder as well. And guess what? Winter can also lift your mood because of a rise in endorphin production.
Motion enhances your body's flexibility and reduces inflammation.
We can't stress enough how important it is to hop off the couch and get moving. According to Widerstrom, "Motion is truly lotion for your body because it naturally increases your body's flexibility while reducing inflammation and your sensitivity to pain. So, inactivity at any temperature is a one-way ticket to pain and the accumulation of unwanted fat pounds because it puts you in a surplus of energy, aka calories that are unused."
It's important to get moving every day—even on the days you feel as though you have no energy.