Pop-Tarts Brings Back a Fan-Favorite Flavor and Reviews Are Pouring In

A fan favorite Pop-Tarts flavor has made a long-awaited comeback and the reviews are in from connoisseurs. The Frosted Cinnamon Roll variety of the toaster pastry, discontinued in 2022, is returning to shelves this month as part of the Pop-Tarts Bowl promotion. (The Pop-Tarts Bowl is a college football game sponsored by the brand, featuring playful marketing stunts like turning flavors into "edible mascots.")
"Appearing as an Edible Mascot alongside Frosted Hot Fudge Sundae and Frosted Wild Berry, Frosted Cinnamon Roll will compete to achieve the ultimate pastry dream of being eaten by the winning team," the company said in a press release on Friday, according to the TODAY Show, which broke the news exclusively earlier this week. "We're always listening to our fans and are very happy to deliver one thing they're truly hungry for: the return of Frosted Cinnamon Roll," said Heidi Ray, senior director of marketing for Pop-Tarts, according to TODAY.
Our team at Eat This, Not That! has heard tell of the Frosted Cinnamon Roll flavor in Kroger and Walmart, and they are selling for $5.99 a box at the Pop-Tarts official store, though last we checked, they were sold out there. Read on to see what lucky fans who snagged a box have to say—was the wait worth it?
Big Fan Following for the Frosted Cinnamon Roll
The Frosted Cinnamon Roll flavor has been a fan favorite since its debut. "Easily a top five Pop-Tart flavor for me," talllankywhiteboy posted on Reddit two years back, in a forum devoted to Pop-Tarts. "One weird quirk of them is that they have a slightly different foil than any other Pop-Tart I've encountered. It feels a bit thicker and seems to have slightly more sheen to the material. Never figured out why that was or if there were other flavors that also had it."
"Yeah those were awesome, bring them back. I miss them so much," agreed Kaylab610.
"These are my absolute favorites. I still have seven boxes left. I eat them once a week to try and spread them out. Next time they come out, if there is a next time, I am buying all of them," posted WhoWho22222.
The Reviews are in: "They are Good!"
So far, only a handful of lucky fans have posted their reviews of the tasty treat. "They are good!" wrote MasterQuality9280, a top 1% poster on Reddit. "But man are they sweet! I think I'm just getting older and finding normal desserts to be sweeter than my tastebuds can handle. I love the full sheet of frosting! I can definitely taste the re-creation of a cinnamon roll but of course due to it being a pasty and the texture it doesn't all the way hit the same." He added a helpful tip: "You NEED to heat them up. They are 10x better when warm."
"I just got a box a couple days ago as well and I love them. I really like the texture of the filling," responded jader242. "It's really gooey compared to regular Pop-Tarts. I never tried the old ones so I can't compare it to them, but these are probably one of my top 3 favorites of all time."
Another fan has a more mixed review. "I bought a box over the weekend and made breakfast out of it today. They were good, but not on the level of good as the original. They were much more like a normal Pop-Tart. Nothing super special like the old ones," shrugged DaveySKay2. "I think that we need a new [flavor]: Classic Cinnamon Roll."
One lucky fan found both the Frosted Cinnamon Roll and a new flavor, likely being test-marketed—Frosted Blueberry Crumble—at his local grocery store. "I tried both flavors, I enjoyed and really liked the cinnamon flavor," wrote No_Sun_3000. "I tried both flavors un-toasted and toasted."
Meanwhile, on Instagram, a Cry for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
The announcement of the Frosted Cinnamon Roll flavor has sparked a mix of excitement and disappointment among Instagram users. Fans of the nostalgic treat are divided in their reactions, with some expressing pure joy over the latest addition and others lamenting the absence of a longtime favorite—Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.
Supporters of the new flavor were quick to voice their enthusiasm. User @alexisdwilliamss exclaimed, "I AM SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW," while @anna50203 called it "PERFECT" when toasted. Even Pringles' official account joined in with a playful, "And in our hearts 🥰." However, the comments were quickly overshadowed by the outcry for the return of Cookie Dough Pop-Tarts. User @alyciathequeen demanded "Justice for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough," a sentiment echoed by dozens of others. Comments like @pinnipedcats' plea, "NOOO PLEASE GIVE US COOKIE DOUGH TOO," and @barbienisaj17's earnest request, "Come on please bring back the chocolate chip cookie dough 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾," highlight the nostalgia many fans feel.
Maybe the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Edible Mascot will suit up next year.
The 2024 Pop-Tarts Bowl will air live from Orlando, Florida, on Dec. 28 at 3:30 p.m. ET on ABC.