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The Most Effective Moves To Reverse The Effects Of Sitting, Trainer Says

These simple moves can help address the issues that go hand in hand with sitting all day long.

If you have a desk job, you know the struggle can be real. Amid your always-hectic work schedule, it may seem as though the only time you part with your desk is when you're making a quick lunch or brewing up some coffee in the kitchen. You're sitting basically all day long, and it's about time you start doing the most effective moves and stretches to reverse the effects of sitting ASAP.

With working from home being the new norm for many of us, it's prevalent now more than ever to make sure you're taking the proper steps to really listen to your body, and take time to get up and stretch! Does your body feel super tight? Do you find yourself hunched over? Is your desk chair not giving you enough proper back support? These are all observations you should be making, and next comes the action you can take to address the not-so-good effects of sitting.

We spoke with Anna Victoria, certified trainer (NASM) and creator of the Fit Body App about the most effective moves to reverse the effects of sitting all day long, and she gave us the scoop. "With sitting all day, you run the risk of various body parts and muscle groups becoming 'tight,' especially the hips. You also run the risk of back pain from poor posture, like if you hunch over a computer for many hours in the day," Victoria emphasizes. Below are some of Victoria's recommended moves and stretches you can do that will help. And next, check out The 6 Best Exercises for Strong and Toned Arms in 2022, Trainer Says.

Child's Pose

woman does child's pose on bamboo mat in pink room

This first move is something you're likely quite familiar with if you're a yogi. The child's pose stretch will assist in opening up your hips. Also, to give your back and lats a really great stretch, Victoria notes you can walk your hands 3 to 4 inches to the left and right.

90/90 Stretch

90/90 stretch

Victoria instructs for this stretch, you'll want to begin in a sitting position on the floor. Keep each leg at a 90-degree angle. Your left leg should be rotated internally and positioned to your side, ankle flat on the floor. Your right leg should be rotated externally and positioned to the front of you, ankle flat on the floor. Hold this pose for several seconds, then change both legs to the opposite position. Victoria says, "This move should be a staple in not just every person's mobility or warmup routine, but in every person's day-to-day movement."

Related: The #1 Way Sitting Too Much Is Damaging Your Body Right Now, Say Experts

Bent-Over Rows

woman doing bent-over row

If you have bad posture, a great way to change it is by strengthening your upper body. Victoria advises, "While you still need to correct the root cause, (poor posture itself) strengthening your upper body with a compound that works multiple upper body muscles, like Bent-Over Rows, will help."

For more…

exercise lunges

For more Mind + Body news, be sure to check out The "Silly Little Walk" Trend Will Be Your New Favorite Outdoor Exercise and 5 Most Effective Exercises To Get Toned For Beach Season, Trainer Says.

Alexa Mellardo
Alexa is a content strategist, editor, and writer based in Greenwich, Connecticut. She has 11+ years of experience creating content for travel, lifestyle, fitness, wellness, F&B, home, and celeb news publications. Read more about Alexa
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