5 Exercises for Bingo Wings That'll Firm Your Flabby Arms, Says Trainer

Flabby, jiggly arms, also known as "bingo wings," can be extremely difficult to tone and tighten up. There—we said it, and it's less than exciting to learn. But with the bad news comes the good news, and we're here to fill you in on five exercises for bingo wings that'll firm your flabby arms over time.
Many women deal with dreaded bingo wings. The term can be found in Urban Dictionary and is based on individuals playing—you guessed it—bingo! Raising up your arm to yell out, "Bingo!" calls attention to any upper arm jiggle that may exist. The struggle is real when it comes to hiding this area and even more so when trying to tone it. In order to tighten up flabby arms—especially the back part—performing strength training exercises for your triceps must be a #1 priority. Specifically, one pressing movement, along with exercises that target mostly the long head of the triceps—aka, the stubborn flabby area that needs the most amount of work.
In order to zone in on the long head, you need exercises that require overhead arm work. This targets that portion of the triceps best. Here are five exercises for bingo wings you can do to tone things up. Aim for 3 sets of each move.
Close Grip Bench Press

Start this Close Grip Bench Press by lying down on a bench with your eyes in line with the bar. Rather than doing the regular bench press hand position, move your hands closer together to where your thumbs are close to the knurling part of the bar. Using a narrower grip, pull the bar out, and set your shoulder blades back and down on the bench. Lower the bar while maintaining control until it touches your chest, then press it back up, flexing your triceps hard at the top before performing another rep. Complete 3 sets of 8 to 10 reps.
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Cable French Triceps Extensions

Cable French Triceps Extensions start by setting up the EZ bar attachment on the bottom of the cable pulley. Grip the inner part with both hands, and put it over your head. Spin around so that it's right behind you. Bend from the elbows to where your biceps touch your forearms to get a deep tricep stretch. Once they've touched, extend your arms, and flex your triceps hard at the top. Complete 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps.
Single-Arm Overhead Triceps Extensions

Begin this next exercise by grabbing a single dumbbell and raising it above your head. Bend from your elbow, bringing the weight down across your body and behind your head. Get a solid triceps stretch at the bottom of the movement, then fully extend your arm back to the starting position, flexing your triceps to finish. Perform 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps for each arm.
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Incline Dumbbell Triceps Extensions

Start by setting up your bench to an incline of at least 30 degrees. Grab a pair of dumbbells, and press them up with the palms facing each other. Pull your elbows back, and then bend from your elbows and lower the weight until they touch your shoulders. Get a solid triceps stretch at the bottom, then reverse the motion, extending your elbows and flexing your triceps to finish. Complete 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.
Bent Arm Pullovers

Begin this final exercise by lying down on a flat bench and holding up a single dumbbell with your arms out. With your elbows bent, begin pulling the weight back behind your head until you get a lat and triceps stretch at the bottom. Once you're at the end of the movement, pull the weight back up while extending your elbow. Flex your triceps hard to finish before performing another rep. Complete 3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.