Every Dunkin' Drink—Ranked by Sugar Content

Dunkin' is famous for its donuts, but fans of this fast-food chain know they also offer a wide selection of tasty drinks. From iced coffees to macchiatos to teas, Dunkin' has something for every taste. However, it's worth noting that many of these drinks are high in sugar, with some containing over 140 grams—that's equivalent to more than seven servings of Breyer's Vanilla Ice Cream!
While we're not suggesting you give up your favorite sugary coffees forever, it's important to be mindful of the health implications. Making these super sweet Dunkin' drinks your go-to daily coffee can contribute to various health issues linked to excessive sugar intake, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. And there are short-term issues, too, such as spikes in blood sugar, depletion of energy, and more sugar cravings.
So, how much added sugar is too much? The American Heart Association recommends women consume less than 25 grams per day and men less than 36 grams. Unfortunately, many Dunkin' drinks exceed these guidelines, with some beverages doubling and even tripling these amounts.
It may feel impossible to stick to your health goals when you're faced with so many options at Dunkin', but we promise it's not! To help you make informed choices, we've created a comprehensive guide ranking every drink on the Dunkin' menu by sugar content and categorized them by category (cold brew, hot coffee, iced latte, etc.).
Many of the drinks on the menu offer multiple choices of milk—usually whole, skim, cream, almond, or oat, and most of the drinks are offered in small, medium, or large sizes. To keep our list as uniform as possible across the board, we defaulted to ranking the medium-sized drinks made with whole milk when applicable.
Read on to learn more about the sugar content of your favorite Dunkin' drinks, then check out The Best & Worst Foods on Dunkin's Menu, According to RDs.
Cold Brew Coffee

Dunkin' Cold Brew is for those who love cooling off to a sip of bold, flavorful coffee. To make it, the coffee beans are steeped in cold water for 12 hours or more, which brings out the flavor and smoothness you may not get from a regular iced coffee.
You can order your cold brew in a variety of different ways at Dunkin', ranging from totally black to one of their signature flavors topped with Sweet Cold Foam. To keep your sugar intake at bay but still enjoy a sweet and creamy treat, we suggest ordering something like their Vanilla Cream Cold Brew or Nitro Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam. On the other hand, the most sugary option they have is their Caramel Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam, which has a staggering 49 grams of sugar in each cup.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Cold Brew Coffee | 0 |
Nitro Cold Brew Coffee (small size only) | 0 |
Cold Brew Coffee with Cream | 1 |
Cold Brew Coffee with Oatmilk | 1 |
Vanilla Cream Cold Brew | 1 |
Nitro Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam (small size only) | 11 |
Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam, Black | 11 |
Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam and Cream | 12 |
Cold Brew Coffee with Cream and Sugar | 27 |
Caramel Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam | 49 |
Here is a closer look at the two cold brews that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Cold Brew Coffee with Cream and Sugar: 27 grams

At first glance, you may assume that a simple cup of cold brew with cream and sugar wouldn't be all that bad when it comes to nutrition, but Dunkin' isn't just putting a "pinch" of sugar in their brew. In a medium size, you'll be getting 27 grams of added sugar—almost an entire day's worth.
The Highest Sugar Cold Brew is…the Caramel Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam: 49 grams

We love a delicious cold brew with sweet cold foam because it mimics the fluffiness you'd get from a steamed milk coffee but in iced form! Unfortunately, picking the Caramel Cold Brew with Sweet Cold Foam from Dunkin' will double your recommended daily amount of added sugar with a whopping 49 grams.
Coolattas & Refreshers

For those who love a fruity sweet treat without the coffee, Dunkin' has their Refreshers, which are drinks made with green tea over ice, and their Coolattas, which are frozen drinks with fruit flavors—both refreshing options that taste great but are unfortunately loaded with added sugars.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Strawberry Dragonfruit Dunkin' Refresher | 27 |
Mango Pineapple Refresher | 29 |
Blue Raspberry Coolatta | 83 |
Strawberry Coolatta | 83 |
Vanilla Bean Coolatta | 125 |
Here is a closer look at the Refreshers and Coolattas that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Strawberry or Blue Raspberry Coolatta: 83 grams

A Strawberry or Blue Raspberry Coolatta is a refreshing beverage for those who want t a cold, non-coffee drink on a hot day. But with 83 grams of added sugar in a medium size, you're better off grabbing a smoothie somewhere. If you want a fruity drink from Dunkin', you can order their Strawberry Dragonfruit Refresher. Yes, it still has 27 grams of added sugar, but it will significantly cut your sugar count down compared to these Coolattas!
The Highest Sugar Refresher or Coolata is…the Vanilla Bean Coolatta: 125 grams

We don't have great news when it comes to this drink. The Vanilla Bean Coolatta may be a tasty frozen treat, but with 125 grams of added sugar, it's probably not worth it. For this amount of sugar, you could have about five servings of vanilla ice cream from Ben & Jerry's.
Frozen Coffee & Specialty

If you head to Dunkin' on a hot summer day, you'll have a ton of frozen drinks to choose from to help cool you off. You can choose from drinks like their Frozen Matcha Latte, Frozen Chai, and one of their Frozen Coffee flavors like French Vanilla Swirl or Mocha Swirl—all of which are packed full of added sugars. In fact, the lowest-sugar option—the Frozen Matcha—still has 81 grams, and the highest-sugar option—the Butter Pecan Swirl Frozen Coffee, has a shocking 142 grams of added sugar.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Frozen Matcha Latte with Whole Milk | 81 |
Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk | 84 |
Frozen Chai Latte | 96 |
Mocha Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk | 129 |
French Vanilla Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk | 132 |
Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk | 134 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk | 142 |
Here is a closer look at the two frozen drinks (coffee and specialty options) that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk: 134 grams

A delicious frozen coffee drink with whipped cream and caramel swirl throughout, the Dunkin' Caramel Swirl Frozen Coffee is no joke. You'll certainly satisfy your sweet cravings with this drink, but the 134 grams of added sugar will spike your blood sugar and give you more than five times what the American Heart Association suggests having in one day.
The Highest Sugar Frozen Drink is…the Butter Pecan Swirl Frozen Coffee with Whole Milk: 142 grams

As you can see above, every single one of the frozen coffees on Dunkin's menu is packed full of added sugars, but the Butter Pecan Swirl takes the winning title with a disastrous 142 grams of added sugar in a medium size.
Hot Cappuccino

For hot coffee options, Dunkin' offers a handful of Cappuccino choices. Picking up a regular Cappuccino with milk at Dunkin' is a lower-sugar choice with only 9 grams, a number that is much lower than when you start adding in some of their flavored syrups. Their most sugary cappuccino, for example, is the Caramel Swirl with 47 grams per medium size.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 9 |
Cappuccino with Whole Milk and Sugar | 35 |
Mocha Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 43 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 45 |
French Vanilla Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 45 |
Caramel Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 47 |
Here is a closer look at the cappuccinos that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Butter Pecan Swirl or French Vanilla Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk: 45 grams

All of the flavored syrups have comparable sugar levels, with the French Vanilla and Butter Pecan Swirl tying at 45 grams in a medium-size cappuccino.
The Highest Sugar Hot Cappuccino is…the Caramel Swirl Hot Cappuccino with Whole Milk: 47 grams

The cappuccino with the most amount of sugar is their Caramel Swirl flavor, coming in at 47 grams of added sugar. You'll notice that this drink has far less sugar than many of the other high-sugar culprits on our list, but it's still important to note that if you're in the mood for a Dunkin' Cappuccino, you can easily lower your sugar intake by skipping this one and ordering a regular one with a little bit of sugar.
Hot & Frozen Chocolate

The chocolate lovers out there will rejoice at the tasty options they have at Dunkin'. If coffee isn't your thing, you can treat yourself to a Dunkin' Hot or Frozen Chocolate, but beware of the sugar that lurks in each cup. For instance, indulging in their Caramel Swirl Frozen Chocolate will give you a gigantic 126 grams of added sugar in each cup.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Box 'O Joe(R) Hot Chocolate | 32 |
Hot Chocolate with Espresso Shot | 39 |
Original Hot Chocolate | 46 |
Frozen Chocolate | 121 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Frozen Chocolate | 124 |
French Vanilla Swirl Frozen Chocolate | 124 |
Caramel Swirl Frozen Chocolate | 126 |
Here is a closer look at the hot and frozen chocolates that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Butter Pecan Swirl or French Vanilla Swirl Frozen Chocolate: 124 grams

The Butter Pecan or French Vanilla Swirl Frozen Chocolates are nothing short of tempting, but at 124 grams of added sugar per medium size, you may not want to make this your regular Dunkin' treat.
The Highest Sugar Hot & Frozen Chocolate is…the Caramel Swirl Frozen Chocolate: 126 grams

With even more sugar than the Butter Pecan and French Vanilla, the Caramel Swirl has the highest sugar levels out of the Dunkin' Frozen Chocolates with 126 grams. If you're craving a frozen chocolate drink that doesn't contain coffee, you'd honestly be better off ordering something like the Chocolate Cookie Crumble Crème Frappuccino from Starbucks, which has "only" 46 grams of added sugar. We don't suggest either of these drinks as a nutritious choice, but opting for something that has less than 126 grams of sugar is a good start.
Hot Coffee

Ordering a cup of hot coffee black or with a little bit of milk is always your safest bet when it comes to avoiding sugar, but let's face it, not everyone enjoys their coffee this way, and there's no point in forcing yourself to drink something you don't enjoy. Hot coffee with a little bit of cream and sugar at Dunkin' still has 26 grams of added sugar, but it's much better than their flavored syrup options, which easily tip the sugar count toward 40 grams.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Americano | 0 |
Hot Coffee | 0 |
Hot Coffee with Cream | 1 |
Hot Coffee with Oat Milk | 1 |
Hot Coffee with Whole Milk | 2 |
Hot Coffee with Almond Milk | 3 |
Hot Coffee with Sugar | 26 |
Hot Coffee with Cream and Sugar | 27 |
Hot Coffee with Whole Milk and Sugar | 28 |
Mocha Swirl Hot Coffee | 34 |
Mocha Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream | 35 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Hot Coffee, Black | 36 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream | 36 |
French Vanilla Swirl Hot Coffee | 37 |
Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee, Black | 38 |
French Vanilla Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream | 38 |
Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream | 40 |
Here is a closer look at the three hot coffees that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee, Black: 38 grams

You may see a black coffee option on the Dunkin' menu and assume it's going to be better nutritionally, but the black version of their Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee still has 38 grams of added sugar and is tied as having the second-highest amount of sugar out of the hot coffee choices.
Tie: French Vanilla Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream: 38 grams

Another popular Dunkin' flavor option—French Vanilla Swirl—brings this regular coffee with cream up to 38 grams of added sugar.
The Highest Sugar Hot Coffee is…the Caramel Swirl Hot Coffee with Cream: 40 grams

The hot coffee with the largest sugar count is the Caramel Swirl with Cream, coming in at 40 grams of added sugar in a medium size. It's difficult to find Dunkin' coffees with small amounts of sugar, but if you want something at least a little bit lighter but still sweet, try ordering their regular Hot Coffee with Cream and Sugar, which has 27 grams of sugar.
Hot Espresso & Hot Latte

You can cozy up to a hot Dunkin' latte, which is made with espresso and your steamed milk of choice. Those who love sweet drinks can choose from regular sugar or one of the six latte flavors offered. However, choosing a flavor will quickly increase your added sugar intake, with some of the options racking up almost 60 grams.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Hot Espresso | 0 |
Hot Latte with Oatmilk | 5 |
Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 13 |
Espresso with Sugar | 14 |
Hot Latte with AlmondMilk | 15 |
Matcha Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 32 |
Café con Leche | 34 |
Hot Latte with Whole Milk and Sugar | 39 |
Chai Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 40 |
Mocha Swirl Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 47 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 49 |
French Vanilla Swirl Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 50 |
Caramel Swirl Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 52 |
Cocoa Mocha Signature Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 52 |
Caramel Craze Signature Hot Latte with Whole Milk | 57 |
Here is a closer look at the two hot lattes that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Caramel Swirl Hot Latte or Cocoa Mocha Signature Latte with Whole Milk: 52 grams

We love a sweet, warm coffee drink on a cold winter day, but some of these Dunkin' lattes just aren't worth the exorbitant amounts of sugar. Their Mocha Signature Latte and Caramel Swirl Latte tie as having the second-highest amounts of added sugar out of the hot lattes with 52 grams each.
The Highest Sugar Hot Espresso & Hot Latte Drink is…the Caramel Craze Signature Hot Latte with Whole Milk: 57 grams

The hot latte with the most added sugar is the Caramel Craze Signature Latte, which has a massive amount of 57 grams of added sugar per medium size. This drink will warm you up, but it may also spike your blood sugar as soon as you take a few sips.
Hot Macchiato

A Dunkin' Ho Macchiato is similar to a latte or cappuccino but with a bit of a twist. Instead of espresso first and steamed milk second, the process is reversed, with steamed milk on the bottom and delicious espresso poured on top. When you order a macchiato at Dunkin', you can choose from one without sugar, one with regular sugar, or one with flavored syrup. Like most of the other Dunkin' drinks, choosing a flavored syrup will quickly inflate the sugar content of your drink.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Hot Macchiato with Oat Milk | 4 |
Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk | 9 |
Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk and Sugar | 35 |
Mocha Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk | 43 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk | 45 |
French Vanilla Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk | 45 |
Caramel Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk | 47 |
Here is a closer look at the two hot macchiatos that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Butter Pecan Swirl or French Vanilla Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk: 45 grams

You're probably used to seeing the same Dunkin' flavored syrups on our list, like the Butter Pecan Swirl and French Vanilla Swirl, which both pack in enormous amounts of added sugar. When you add them to your hot macchiato, you'll be left with a drink full of 45 grams of sugar.
The Highest Sugar Hot Macchiato is…the Caramel Swirl Hot Macchiato with Whole Milk: 47 grams

A macchiato option with even more sugar than the Butter Pecan or French Vanilla, the Caramel Swirl Hot Macchiato has 47 grams of sugar per cup, enough to affect your blood sugar and put you far over your daily recommended limit of added sugars.
Iced Cappuccino

For those who want the frothiness of a hot cappuccino but in a cold beverage, the Dunkin' Iced Cappuccinos are a great choice. Keep your sugar intake at a minimum by ordering a plain one without sugar, which has only 9 grams per medium size. As soon as you add flavored syrup, you'll be increasing your intake to between 43-47 grams of added sugar.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 9 |
Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk and Sugar | 35 |
Mocha Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 43 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 45 |
French Vanilla Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 45 |
Caramel Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk | 47 |
Here is a closer look at the iced cappuccinos that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Butter Pecan Swirl or French Vanilla Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk: 45 grams

It's tempting to order a frothy iced cappuccino when you need to cool off on a warm day, but if you can, skip the flavored ones like the Butter Pecan Swirl and French Vanilla Swirl, and go for the regular Iced Cappuccino—which has only 9 grams of added sugar.
The Highest Sugar Iced Cappuccino is…the Caramel Swirl Iced Cappuccino with Whole Milk: 47 grams

With 47 grams of added sugar in each cup, we recommend keeping this Caramel Swirl Iced Cappuccino as a special treat you can indulge in from time to time and not your daily coffee choice.
Iced Coffee

If cold brew is too strong for your liking, order yourself a simple Dunkin' Iced Coffee, which will still give you that caffeine boost and cool you down on a hot, sweaty day. You can avoid too much sugar by just ordering your iced coffee with your milk of choice because as soon as you add sugar, your sugar intake will rise to at least 26 grams per cup.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Iced Americano | 0 |
Iced Coffee | 0 |
Iced Coffee with Cream | 1 |
Iced Coffee with Oat Milk | 1 |
Iced Coffee with Whole Milk | 2 |
Iced Coffee with AlmondMilk | 3 |
Iced Café Au Lait with Whole Milk | 9 |
Iced Coffee with Sugar | 26 |
Iced Coffee with Cream and Sugar | 27 |
Iced Coffee with Whole Milk and Sugar | 28 |
Mocha Swirl Iced Coffee | 34 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Iced Coffee | 36 |
French Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee | 37 |
Caramel Swirl Iced Coffee | 38 |
Here is a closer look at the two iced coffees that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
French Vanilla Swirl Iced Coffee: 37 grams

You may look at the Dunkin' menu and assume that choosing an iced coffee would be a healthier choice, and if you avoid some of the sugary flavored syrups—you'd be correct! But adding French Vanilla Swirl to your coffee brings the sugar count up to 37 grams.
The Highest Sugar Iced Coffee is…the Caramel Swirl Iced Coffee: 38 grams

The highest-sugar iced coffee at Dunkin' is their Caramel Swirl, and if you haven't noticed the pattern by now, adding this particular flavoring to any Dunkin' drink almost always makes it the sugariest of the bunch.
Iced Latte

Just like the Hot Lattes from Dunkin', their Iced Lattes come with plenty of variations to choose from, ranging from plain with whole, skim, or plant-based milk, to one of their signature lattes topped with whipped cream and drizzle. The option with the least amount of sugar is their Iced Latte with Oat Milk, which has only 5 grams of sugar, and their highest is the Caramel Craze Signature Latte, with a whopping 57 grams.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Iced Latte with Oatmilk | 5 |
Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 13 |
Iced Latte with AlmondMilk | 15 |
Matcha Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 32 |
Almondmilk Iced Matcha Latte | 33 |
Iced Latte with Whole Milk and Sugar | 39 |
Chai Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 40 |
Mocha Swirl Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 47 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 49 |
Pecan Vanilla Iced Latte | 49 |
French Vanilla Swirl Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 50 |
Caramel Swirl Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 52 |
Cocoa Mocha Signature Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 52 |
Caramel Craze Signature Iced Latte with Whole Milk | 57 |
Here is a closer look at the two iced lattes that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Caramel Swirl or Cocoa Mocha Signature Iced Latte with Whole Milk: 52 grams

Dunkin' has plenty of flavor options for their iced lattes, but as with most of their sugary drinks, we recommend skipping options like the Cocoa Mocha or Caramel Craze Signatures when thinking of your regular coffee order. Instead, keep these as a dessert or special treat now and then.
The Highest Sugar Iced Latte is…the Caramel Craze Signature Iced Latte with Whole Milk: 57 grams

Out of all the iced lattes available at Dunkin', the one that packs in the most sugar in every sip is the Caramel Craze Signature Iced Latte, which has 57 grams per medium size.
Iced Macchiato

The Dunkin' Iced Macchiatos are almost exactly like the hot ones, except these are poured over ice. Milk first, then espresso, these macchiatos are a tasty choice. You can keep your sugar under 5 grams if you order a plain one with oat milk, but if you go for one of their flavored options, you're likely looking at more than 40 grams in each cup.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Iced Macchiato with Oat Milk | 4 |
Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk | 9 |
Mocha Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk | 34 |
Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk and Sugar | 35 |
Butter Pecan Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk | 45 |
French Vanilla Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk | 45 |
Caramel Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk | 47 |
Here is a closer look at the iced macchiatos that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Tie: Butter Pecan Swirl or French Vanilla Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk: 45 grams

Adding flavored syrups like Butter Pecan and French Vanilla to your iced macchiato will crank up the sugar content more than a desirable amount, so instead, try the regular Iced Macchiato with whole milk, which will give you a more moderate amount of 9 grams per medium size.
The Highest Sugar Iced Macchiato is…the Caramel Swirl Iced Macchiato with Whole Milk: 47 grams

Another Caramel Swirl Dunkin' drink to appear at the top of the highest-sugar list, this Caramel Swirl Iced Macchiato will give you 47 grams of sugar in every medium-sized cup, so it may be time to find a different daily coffee order.
Iced Tea

You may not think of tea when you think of Dunkin', but if you're looking for a drink that isn't coffee-based, the Dunkin' Iced Teas can be a refreshing choice. Just be careful if you're watching your sugar. While their unsweetened choices deliver zero grams of added sugar, the number skyrockets to around 60 grams if you order one of their Sweet Teas.
Drink | Sugar (grams) |
Iced Green Tea Unsweetened | 0 |
Iced Tea Unsweetened | 0 |
Iced Tea Unsweetened Blueberry Flavored | 0 |
Iced Tea Unsweetened Raspberry Flavored | 0 |
Iced Green Tea Sweetened | 25 |
Iced Tea Sweetened | 25 |
Iced Tea Sweetened Blueberry Flavored | 25 |
Iced Tea Sweetened Raspberry Flavored | 25 |
Sweet Tea | 58 |
Sweet Tea Blueberry Flavored | 60 |
Sweet Tea Raspberry Flavored | 60 |
Here is a closer look at the two iced teas that contain the most sugar—ranked from least to most.
Sweet Tea: 58 grams

For anyone who's ever had a glass of sweet tea, it won't surprise you to see that this one is loaded with 58 grams of sugar. For a similar beverage that has less sugar, try one of their unsweetened teas and add your own sugar, or go for their Iced Tea with Sugar, which has 25 grams instead of the 58 you'll get in this drink.
Tie for the Highest Sugar Iced Tea: Sweet Tea Blueberry or Raspberry Flavored: 60 grams

The Dunkin' teas with the highest amount of sugar are Sweet Tea with either Blueberry or Raspberry flavoring, both coming in at 60 grams of added sugar. Do your blood sugar a favor and cool off with one of the unsweetened iced teas instead.
- Source: Gillespie KM, Kemps E, White MJ, Bartlett SE. The Impact of Free Sugar on Human Health-A Narrative Review. Nutrients. 2023 Feb 10;15(4):889. doi: 10.3390/nu15040889. PMID: 36839247; PMCID: PMC9966020.
- Source: Penaforte FR, Japur CC, Pigatto LP, Chiarello PG, Diez-Garcia RW. Short-term impact of sugar consumption on hunger and ad libitum food intake in young women. Nutr Res Pract. 2013 Apr;7(2):77-81. doi: 10.4162/nrp.2013.7.2.77. Epub 2013 Apr 1. PMID: 23610598; PMCID: PMC3627933.
- Source: How much sugar is too much? (2023c, May 10). www.heart.org. https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/healthy-eating/eat-smart/sugar/how-much-sugar-is-too-much#:~:text=AHA%20Sugar%20Recommendation&text=Men%20should%20consume%20no%20more,32%20grams)%20of%20added%20sugar!